Let's play law and order

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The entire flight was just one very, very awkward scene. Lauren, Dimitri and I hung out, mostly discussing which risks to take and which not to. We'd only recently added some things to our routines, and it was honestly a gamble. In the end, we'd decided we'd go for it.

After that, Salman and I watched a movie together. It was P.s. I love you, which made both of us break down because of our miserable love lives and then hug each other and tell each other that our exes didn't deserve us. We figured they should have been dating each other, and then we devised a game where we paired our exes randomly - well, I had one, but we figured some of his could be bisexual. The results were amusing enough to make us laugh again and inspire us to talk about a possible movie.

Which reminded us of Sohail, making everything awkward yet again.

Arbaaz called us on Skype, telling us Malaika was spitting fire and she was not having it from Sohail. And I wasn't surprised. He crossed a line with her, and there was no fixing that anytime soon.

Basically, it was a mess.

We landed at Mumbai early morning, 4:27 am to be precise. It was most definitely not the preferred time to land at any place, and I was starving. Getting through customs and immigration, we made our way to the cars. Dimitri, Lauren and her dad stayed with us but Sohail darted ahead and actually went ahead to book a private car for himself, even though we'd called for three separate cars for three destinations.

He was mad, and him throwing tantrums like a kid made me mad.

However, the paparazzi wasn't smart enough to notice the rife yet. They were busy shooting questions at us, and that made me want to slap some people. There were speculations about what my father was going to do, and it had reached us through sources as well. And honestly, I didn't want this shit.

"Fucking assholes" I mumbled and Salman looked at me, raising his brows. I knew I was out of line, but I didn't feel like apologising to him about my language. They deserved this, and much worse.

"Salman, you should probably get to the office. Right now." Cassie called him just as we were two minutes away from home. Leo had managed to lose the paparazzi, and I was just falling asleep on Salman's shoulders as he played with my hair when I realised something was actually up. What those paparazzi were saying wasn't a baseless rumour.

They'd warned us and we ignored it.

They had been asking us about what we planed to do about my father applying in the Indian courts for my custody and about when he applied to the higher courts in the USA against the verdict. And people on the inside told us he was on the move already. But we hadn't figured it was all happening so fast. Nobody knew, and we'd been so busy with Sohail throwing all the tantrums that we hadn't called up our legal team in India and tell them to look into the matter.

Leo took an abrupt turn towards the office.

It was 5:30 am by the time we reached the office, and we had Cassie standing by the door with a bunch of papers and people dressed in suits. I knew this was bad.

All I wanted was some sleep, I thought. I was exhausted, and I wanted to hold this until I had my eight hours of sleep so I could be my sassy self.

Nobody spoke to me. Salman asked me to sit by the couches and took Cassie and the lawyers aside, looked at the papers and tore them, throwing them into the air. He looked at me and then looked at the lawyers, barking at them, running his hand through his hair, while Cassie made more frantic calls to fix things.

That's when the elevator opened and that man walked out.

Salman rushed by my side and he protected me. But the man had seen me sitting at the couches, wanting to know what was going on.

Intertwined - Tangled series (Overprotective famous brothers)Where stories live. Discover now