Burn Marks

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I would have rolled my eyes, if I could have. I mean from the consistent beep noise, the sterile feeling, the hard pillow, I knew I was in a hospital. It wasn’t any brainer, and perhaps I also knew the name of the hospital. I swear, if it was possible to be a member of a hospital and get discounts, I would have done that a long time ago. I think half my time was spent in the hospital, and it was the same every single time. So skipping the part I would be confused about where I was and what had happened, I wanted to open my stupid eyes. 

“Guys?” I croaked, opening my eyes at last. According to my expertise, this opening eyes part was always the most challenging; it was almost like you had no control over your body sometimes. 

I looked around to find the room deserted, and I frowned. It was unusual my over protective brothers would leave me alone when I was unconscious, they would never do that. Unless…

“Guys!” I jerked up, feeling pain through my left wrist and right neck. They would never leave me alone unless they were hurt, or worse…did they get attacked too? Who attacked me and Malaika anyway? Did the person manage to hurt anyone else? I had to find out.

“Shush, we’re here.” I felt Salman hug me tightly and I stopped trying to get off the bed. My eldest brother was safe, he wasn’t hurt and he was definitely not dead. I felt relief wash over me, but only moments later panic surged through me yet again. Where in the world were my other two brothers, my friends and others who were right there with my family? Was Malaika alright, she was in so much pain too.  

“Others, they…” before I even completed the sentence, Salman smiled softly and laid me back on my bed. Stroking my hair, he looked into my eyes for a long time before he answered, almost as if he was gazing into my soul. Shifting uncomfortable, I waited till his lips twitched a little and he looked outside.

“Arbaaz and Arhaan are with Malaika, and Sohail is outside getting the doctors. Nobody else is hurt love.” I nodded, knowing that everyone was alright. 

“Welcome back, Miss Alisha.” The doctor smiled, walking in swiftly and turning to look at my vitals. I knew from the rhythm that they were stable, I was in no immediate danger. Jesus, I had been to hospitals so many times that I now knew this doctor stuff. Hospitals were perhaps like my second home. Chuckling to myself, I sensed the nurse giving me a weird expression, which made me chuckle once more. 

“You may feel stinging in your right side of your upper torso, but it’s only a matter of time till it goes away. We already put you on medication, and all we were waiting for was to you to be awake. Looks like you’re doing just fine.” He smiled again, and the smile made me want to strangle the guy. I was lying in a hospital bed, there was absolutely nothing hilarious about this situation. Nodding, I looked down to the IV attached to my hand. The entire right side of my neck and shoulder was wrapped, but other than that I could feel no other wound. 

“Salman, I feel low.” Immediately knowing that I meant “low” as in “oxygen levels low”, Salman got up to bring my test meter. If I knew anything about pulmonary fibrosis, it was that this disease acted up with every injury and any physical illness. The oxygen supply to my body fell down, which made me feel irritable and annoyed. That’s when the meter and the drugs and the pods and all the fancy things came in, to help me control the level of oxygen in my body.

“Finger?” lifting up my middle finger, I heard Salman chuckle before he puncher-ed my finger to test the blood sample for oxygen supply. Seeing the number, he silently went to the corner of the room to fetch the injection to fix my numbers.

“What did she burn my skin with?” I asked Salman and he paused for a moment. He started the process of making the injection again, and signaled me to give him my free hand. Lifting up the right arm, I felt the alcohol swab before the little prick of the needle. It was all over within seconds, but my eyes were still locked on my eldest brother.

Intertwined - Tangled series (Overprotective famous brothers)Where stories live. Discover now