Post Birthday, Pre Olympics

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"Fuck" I yelled, staring at my phone's alarm going off. Instead of my usual ritual of snoozing the alarm about eight times, I got right up and shook my brothers up.

"You can't be here. Get out and gotta go!"

I doubt they understood what was happening, but I didn't have the time to explain it to them. Making sure my dress didn't fly or tear, I got off the tower and ran towards my room. The guard was, thankfully, distracted, and I sneaked into the building and ran up the stairs because there was no time for elevators.

"Lauren!" I opened the door with my keys and she groaned.

"Lauren, we have training!" she woke up at the sound of training and darted into the washroom just behind me.

I looked like a mess. My eye liner and almost all smudged, and my hair were no more perfect. Tying them up in a bun, I brushed quickly before grabbed cotton and moisturiser to get rid of all the make up on my face. In the mean while, Lauren got a quick shower and got ready for the day. I followed suit, and just as she was packing her bag, I got out and wore my team USA jacket.

Thank God I kept my bag ready.

Grabbing our water bottles and a pair of extra clothes, we ran downstairs and back to the dining area. There, we didn't have the same amount of luxury as the other Olympians. They were having a hearty breakfast, but we all grabbed fruit bowls and and some eggs packed to eat on the go. Thankfully, we reached the bus just on time.

"I'm impressed with you girls. Party all night, but got here on time."

"We didn't party all night." I pointed out to Dimitri and he shrugged, not caring much about the details. He hadn't showed up even with invites, but I always knew he wouldn't. It just wasn't his thing.

Unfortunately, a guy was late by ten minutes, and his punishment was to be the one who would fix all the apparatus according to the requirements of gymnasts. And that, according to me, was harsh. I had to do it a couple of times, and nothing sucked more than taking a scale and measuring the height of equipment correct to millimetres. He frowned and ducked deep in his seat. I turned around to mouth a sorry but he smiled and shook his head at me, grabbing a condom from his pockets and showing it to me.

Then it definitely wasn't my party because of which he was late.

Mildly amused and slightly horrified, I turned around to plug in my earphones and listen to some peaceful music while catching some more sleep. It wasn't that I hadn't received enough sleep, it was just that yesterday was so good that I needed to be in my dreams, where I could keep dancing with my soul mate, the one and only, Johnny Depp.

Training went better than it did the first day. We knew that their springs were more, well, springy, on the edges of the mats. So, we focused on minimising the falls and making sure we stayed a little away from the edge, so as to avoid stepping out from that extra bounce. We all spent time practicing movements and tricks to avoid the falls and jumping around, which made the tumbling look bad. Other than that, it was all set out perfectly.

We got back in time for a late lunch, which was great because today we would try Chinese. It was authentic Chinese, and the servers described every dish to us, telling us the story and the ingredients and sometimes, also the recipe. None of us intended to cook this at home, but since these people were by far the most proud about their section as compared to everyone else, we listened to them patiently.

"Guys, attention please." A USAG personnel came up to our table and we looked up at him.

"We have a meeting with all of team USA contingent at Four Seasons. Your bus will be taking you there, so please be ready by 4:30 pm. Thank you." he left and we shrugged, getting back to our business. We knew why this meeting was held today, and although it was something we had been talking about for the past few days, we were too tired to be excited.

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