All the efforts

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It was almost noon and I was still in the same office, from where that sick excuse of a father had dragged my sister away from. The lawyers were all around the conference table, sitting with their laptops open and phones in hand and books on the table, flipping frantically, talking about laws and amendments and interpretations. They discussed everything they could do and it was taking them ages to figure something out.

"Guys," I said, taking a sip of my coffee. I knew I needed to stay awake right now.

Nobody looked up, they were all busy trying to figure out what to do. They didn't stop bickering with each other and there was no consensus here.

"Oh you bastards, shut up!" I threw the mug on the ground and stood up, as the chair went skidding across the room and into a wall.

"Tell me when can I get my sister back. Now."

Silence. Nobody dared to speak. I wanted to smash my fist into all of their brains. I paid them each thousands of dollars and all they could give me were vacant expressions and no advice as to what I was supposed to do.

"The law says that if the magistrate responsible for the case signed the papers, then the petition for a stay order on this custody can come only from him. We have to appeal to him, but he..."

A lawyer, a senior one at that, finally opened his mouth. He was the one who had handled many of the legal cases that we'd faced so far, but none of them were of this severity, and he probably understood that better than anyone here. Remorse was written all over his face, and I wasn't surprised. He and Alisha were well acquainted, and he often spoke to her about little legal things and she looked up to the man. She once told me, if she ever became a lawyer, she'd become a lawyer like him.

"Has gone for a vacation. So can we not appeal to another judge or higher courts?" I asked and he shook his head,

"Not if the wait time is less than a week, and my sources tell me his flight back to Mumbai is in six days."

Of course he'd taken a shady way of finding out what was going on. I knew something was up with this mysterious, out of the blue appeal and signing in the middle of the night and then a vacation. That man had meticulously planned everything out. He knew that the case was in our favour even in India, but this time he had taken a low road of using law his way and making sure that he could have her for six entire days, if not more.

Six days, my little angel would be with that man. Six entire days.

I knew where he'd kept her, I knew the building and we'd also zeroed in on the apartment. Yes, it was probably illegal at this point but I frankly didn't give a damn about what the law allowed and didn't allow me to do. I needed to know that the one person I loved the most in this world was somewhere close.

A little digging, and I knew this was the place he rented for her mother before they left for the US, and this itself made me tear up. God only knew what this man was planning for her, what his demonic head would come up with. We had no access to her, we had no view into the flat itself, we couldn't as much as enter the building. And with the news leaked from probably one of our staff members, the media was all around us right now. They knew my sister was with that man, and they wanted to know what was happening.

"I'm going to play this dirty, Salman." Cassie came up to me. I raised my brows and she showed me her iPad. In it was the CCTV footage from the reception area of our office, and I could see how that man was dragging my sister away and she was fighting against him.

"Someone is going to leak this into the media. We need a trial by media and nothing evokes sympathy like a fourteen year old crying and struggling against a man who has a very, very tainted image."

Intertwined - Tangled series (Overprotective famous brothers)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu