Sorry, brothers

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My brothers had always been in my position. Waiting in the hospital while I lied on the bed, unconscious. They always told me to not put them through the pain ever again,and I swore I would try my best but I couldn't give any promises. 

And now, here I was, with Lauren and Malaika, sitting in Dimitri's room, waiting for him to flutter his eyes open. I had imagined a thousand scenarios in my mind, and all of them included yelling at us for missing training. I smiled, thinking about Dimitri awake and walking. 

He was out of any immediate danger. They had found that the girl used a chemical that got absorbed by the skin and into the body, and caused dangerous reactions. Thankfully, they had managed to remove it and he was healing quick. Now, he was simply resting after the surgery. Everyone had called us up to ask how he was doing. The USAG sent a representative with flowers and gave out an official statement to the media who was digging on this. The cops had come and taken our statements. Thankfully, with the influence of my brothers, they acted quick and used all forces to trace down the girl. She was now under interrogation. 

It would stop. We knew it, it would stop if she gave one name, one hint so we could take legal action. 

Malaika had asked the nanny to take Arhaan to the hotel, as she stayed back with Lauren and I. She was on her way back to Vegas, but came right back when she heard about what had happened. My brothers wanted to join us too, but I convinced them that it was all handled here and that they didn't need to cancel all their appointments and commitments for us. She made sure the media stayed out of the hospital and fired a person trying to sneak in. She was, in the simplest words, the one sane person around. 

I was thinking about Dimitri and his first day with us when my phone began vibrating. It was late, Malaika was asleep on the white couch and Lauren didn't notice it. I didn't want to disturb both of them, so I stepped out for a minute. 

It was Adrian.

"Hello." I said into the phone, hoping he wanted to get back together. Maybe we could hide from the world and get back together officially after the Olympics, but be committed in secret. 

"I heard about Dimitri." he said and I didn't say a word. I didn't know what to say to my ex boyfriend about my coach who was almost killed.

"I'm so sorry. I...I get why you broke down before, even more. And. I'm sorry I left you like this."

This was getting somewhere. He was starting to talk about us and regrets. Maybe he was thinking about the same things as I was, and maybe he didn't want to lose me either. Perhaps, I was worth the trouble for him.

"I'm just sorry. Take care." and I heard a beep. 

I put the phone in my pocket and sighed. There were no tears anymore, it was all too overwhelming to process. There was no way we could get back together. But right now, my coach was on a hospital bed and there was no way I could help him. There were two dead girls, and there was no way I could bring them back. There was a man who was dead bent on revenge, and there was no way I could stop him. 

The one thing I could do was get coffee. I called Tyson to come up, so we could go some place to get some food and coffee. I needed to get out of the hospital. He came in seconds, and we walked silently towards the car waiting at the back entrance. The chauffeur took us to a McDonald's drive-through and we got fries and coffee in abundance. 

We sat in the car, and shared fries. To break the silence, he started talking. 

"So you know, this one time we were training in the ocean, yeah? Like combat and stuff. And right then I had to pee"

This caught my attention and I looked up. This one was going to be good. 

"And I could not hold it, so I just did it. And the next thing we know, we had to go underwater."

"Ewwwwww" I started laughing, dropping my coffee onto the car seat. On any other day I would have gotten it and would have to clean it up, but today he simply laughed with me. I giggled as he described it further and disgusted me. I made a mental note to never, ever, enter a pool with Tyson. 

We went back to the hospital, and he kissed me on the forehead as he opened the door to Dimitri's room. Lauren was now asleep, on the chair next to Dimitri's, with his hand in her hand. I smiled at them, and took a picture. Going to the couch, I realised Malaika had occupied the entire thing, except a little place where her feet lay. I rested my head on the couch, and fell asleep sitting at the foot of the couch. 

The doctors woke us up.

There was movement in his fingers, his brain activity was steadily increasing. He would come back soon. It was 4 am and he did indeed have some movements, little and subtle ones, but there. Lauren called her dad and I told Tyson to call up my brothers and inform them about it. In a short time, we arranged the flowers and cards around the room, so he woke up to love and wishes from hundreds of people. 

He woke up at 4:32 am. 

The first he did, which was up to our expectations, was trying to take the drip off his hand.

"The roles have shifted. You're the one sick and we're the ones who give orders. Stay still." I went to his other side swiftly. He looked at Lauren and I, and at Malaika in the corner, and then at all the flowers and cards.

"With those flowers I thought this was my funeral." 

Dimitri somehow had a sense of humour even after he kicked death in its ass. We smiled and told him he was going to be fine, and filled him in on what had happened. We told him the reality, and we told him the story that would be presented to the world before the real culprit was caught. There was no way we could make this attack public, so we had to stick with the good old excuse of allergies. 

We stayed there for about another hour, before Dimitri ordered us to go to the hotel and get some rest, because missing two days of conditioning wasn't allowed. We were to train in the evening, and he was going to make sure we did. 

Lauren and I were taken to a hotel, where we were given a suite. Arhaan was on one of the beds in a bedroom, sleeping soundly with his batman toy. Lauren went into the other room and collapsed on the bed, as I went and kissed him on the forehead. My little baby. Making sure he was fine and that his nanny was right there, I went to the same room as Lauren's and collapsed on the same bed. I didn't know about her, but I couldn't be alone. 

"It's going to be fine. Expect training. He'll screw us." she consoled me. Chuckling, I closed my eyes yet again, drifting away from this world in seconds. 


Short, but...well, I wrote and I thought you guys must get an update.

Now, to get some things cleared. This story is SO NOT linked to anyone in real life. Yes, the people exist, but I do not know them. This is a work of fiction and nothing else.

Please let me know what you want to see next!

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