Drama much?

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I was standing in smack middle of my walking closet, not able to decide what to wear. I had tons of dresses and shoes, but for a girl outfits are never enough. It was a crisis of many options. Just then Lauren walked in wearing her navy Valentino dress, her hair up in an elegant bun. And I was standing in my boxers and tee still.

“Gosh, you need a stylist to save you time.” She picked up a Dior dress I had completely forgotten about and I felt relief wash over me. It was perfect, a cocktail dress and not slutty either. It was white and black with bold folds, and a gold belt around the waist. I quickly slipped it on and found a perfect Christian Louboutin pair for my outfit. I know- I was a spoiled little teen.

It was the night USAG facilitated the women’s and men’s gymnastics teams for coming first and second respectively. Also, they were gonna celebrate individual medal winners, which included both me and Lauren along with many others. We had officially killed it at world championships, USA gymnastics was in its best form ever.

Make up wasn’t the big deal here, because I never put on much. Opting for my usual dramatic smoky eyes effect, I didn’t bother to check twice before leaving the room. Downstairs, I saw Arbaaz sitting with Arhaan and Sohail. They hugged me goodbye, because we would be travelling in separate cars tonight. For me, Lauren and Dimitri was a limousine parked outside out home right now.

“Love you.” Arbaaz kissed my cheek and I ran out. Dimitri was tapping his feet and narrowed his eyes at us. Being late wasn’t tolerated around here.

“I’m going to let go, because my favorite two gymnasts look beautiful young women tonight.” He smiled and opened the door for us two to get inside. Smiling widely at the gentleman gesture from our otherwise ruthless coach, we slipped inside the limo. We made it to the venue in less than ten minutes, even with the LA traffic. I could see ten paparazzi around, apart from the sport representatives and news channels. Fans had gathered outside and the audience was pouring in.

“Alisha, a smile here please!” I heard a guy yell and turned to his side.

“How does it feel to be the World Champion?” he asked and I grinned,

“I know the answer’s cheesy, but it is a dream coming true.” I replied, and turned to the other people asking questions.

“You look amazing tonight.” One guy smiled at me and I thanked him. I liked it when the paparazzi acted human and normal, and I tried to make them happy under these situations by posing for them and answering for them.

“What are you gonna do tomorrow?” he asked and I frowned,

“Train.” Dimitri came by my side and shrugged,

“I love to torture my girls.”

“That he does!” Lauren giggled, and the person from the sports section of CNN asked some more questions before moving on. I saw my brothers enter the venue, but not from the red carpet. The crowd went crazy seeing Arbaaz and Sohail, and I waved at them. They smiled back and went into the stadium. I walked in too.

It was easily past 11 pm, and I had two trophies in my hand along with certificates. I placed them neatly on my chair and rose to talk with people. Families had started to interact and the crowd had begun to disperse. It was the final few minutes before we all left for home.

I saw Lauren on one corner talking to Melisa, and went towards them. We didn’t have the chance to talk throughout, because we were mostly backstage rehearsing the lines we had. They weren’t much, but we were nervous about being in front of a huge crowd. USA gymnastics had never witnessed this kind of a support before in its history. Performing in front of a crowd was normal for most people on the national team, but speaking in front of thousands? We had panic attacks.

Intertwined - Tangled series (Overprotective famous brothers)Where stories live. Discover now