Nightlife...I say yes

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Another day alone. I had Skyped with Salman, apologizing again for being selfish. He apologized too, saying he wished he could have spent some more time but he couldn’t due to prior commitments. We chatted for almost an hour before Salman had to go shoot, and I had to train for the noon.

Today we were supposed to train only for 5 hours. Dimitri was scared that given the pressure on us, we’d burn out due to excessive training. So, he allowed us to train for 7 hours for two days a week, 5 hours for 3 days and Saturday s went as per his wish. Sundays were never spent in the gym, because according to him our bodies weren’t machines to abuse. Repeating my routine on the balance beam for two hours and an hour on uneven bars, we spent two hours in total conditioning. Conditioning was a vital part of our regimen, sometimes considered the most important.

“Hey.” Sara came in and someone instantly got in some snacks for her. I was sitting in the gaming room with Lauren, both of us battling over Xbox games.

“Hie.” Roo waved, and scooted to make place for her to sit.

“I need company.” She sighed, and showed us the invites for a success party. Her dad was the best of the Indian Cricket team, in many senses the religion to many people. Salman joked that majority people loved cricket so much that a kid was gifted a cricket kit even before he could start walking. So, India had won the test series, and there was obviously a ridiculously lavish bash held in Royalty lounge. Families were invited, but I had high doubts about anyone Sara’s age being part of the team’s families. Only four were married, and her dad was the eldest and the most experienced of them all. No wonder she needed company.

“Aryan is flying to NYC for a Yankees game, Veer and Niall said they both have this re-test to study for. So you two are my last hopes.” She looked at us, giving me the irresistible puppy dog face. It wasn’t fair, I could never seem to pull that face off. But Sara was a pro at it, and within a few second I had to look down and agree to go with her.

“A night out is exactly what I need.” Roo high fived her and I bit my lip. I wasn’t so sure about a party on weekday, especially about the biggest party in the city tonight. There would be paparazzi, media, something I wasn’t in the mood to handle today. I felt lazy, I just wanted to hang out around the house eating frozen yoghurt maybe.

“Please, with a cherry on top?” she pleaded, getting down on her knees.

“Alright, but promise me you’ll get me back my 11.”

“1 am, max.” Lauren placed her conditions on the table and we started bickering.

“12 am.” Sara hushed us up and I slumped my shoulders in defeat. If I asked Sohail, he’d give me the permission to stay out late at night because he trusted Sara and her family enough to know that I wouldn’t fall into unwanted trouble. Besides, he strongly believed I needed to spend some more quality time with my friends to cope with all the drama in my life. And knowing my brother, his definition of ‘quality time’ included high-end parties at five star lounges. Alcohol excluded.

Sara clapped her hands with excitement and we started talking about the guests invited for the night there were many celebrities with invites, but I really didn’t care. All my brothers had one, and I only later found out that even I had received one. None of my family members planned to turn up tonight, it was too hectic given their 5 am shoots.

At around six pm, Sara left to pick her dad up from the International Airport and Lauren left for the salon appointment she fixed up for tonight. I had rolled my eyes, saying it wasn’t her wedding; there was no need to be this hyper. They both ignored me, thinking I was the weirdest possible teen girl ever walking this earth. It was a page three event, and I didn’t give a damn about the black heads on my face.

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