Look, I'm on TV

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Between all the drama in my life that resembled a badly put together TV sitcom, I had actually managed to give time to the commercial that I had gotten an offer for.

Nike had been extremely generous and supportive, and had sent over the crew to the countries all their stars practiced in for the shoot. It cost them a lot, but they didn't have much choice - not that they whined about it. We all had shot our pieces separately, and used good ol' Skype for the editing process.

Arbaaz, being the genius that he was, had helped me out with the legalities and the fees. They'd managed to squeeze out a total of $750,000 and some stake in their shares, which they were sure would grow exponentially. My bank balance was going through the roof for the few seconds of spending screen time with some legendary athletes. Of course, my money was well taken care of, and most of it was already invested somewhere or the other so I didn't blow it off. At this point, what made me the happiest was that even if I didn't get a gymnastics scholarship due to pulmonary fibrosis, I would be able to afford my own college tuition.

Anyway, the point was, we were done making the commercial, and it was time to launch it.

The launch was at New York, and I was already in the city, in limousine that Nike had sent, with my two very proud brothers - Arbaaz and Salman. Sohail was extremely busy with his work, since he'd finally managed to get someone else for his ambitious project and was finalising shoots and sights.

"Don't you worry about them," Arbaaz took my hand as we neared the venue. It was to be held at the Nike headquarters, and the media was swarming around the entrance.

"We'll be right there." he kissed my forehead. Sohail looked at me in the eye, getting close to me,

"Yes. Right there to embarrass you." I slapped his hand playfully and he laughed. Mike opened the door to the limo, and Arbaaz got out first. Then, being the chivalrous gentleman that he is, he gave me his hand to step out. There wasn't a need, to be honest. I was dressed in jeans and tank top with a teal shirt on top of it, and Nike shoes.

"Guys, guys, let her get inside. She is here to answer questions." Ruth tried to get us some space to walk inside the building. What made the situation worse was that were was the sports and news media, the paparazzi and the hundreds of fans of all the athletes present here tonight. However, the security at the place and the bodyguards managed to make way inside and it was a lot more peaceful then.

The guys went to the conference room, sitting in the audience at the back to get lost within the crowd. They were going to let my day be just that, my day, and make sure their limelight didn't overshadow mine.

I walked into the green room first, the get a touch up. I never knew there would be any, but since the assistant was kind enough to escort me to my personal make up artist and hair stylists for the day, I figured some glamming up wouldn't hurt. However, the moment I walked in, my mouth went dry. There, infront of me, were Serena Williams and Cecilia Braekhus, clicking selfies.

"Hey you! Care to join us in this mini photoshoot?" Cecilia asked, in her thick Norwegian accent. I didn't know how to speak anymore, so I just nodded and mechanically walked over to them.

I was sitting in the middle of two world renowned female athletes, who had won multiple Olympic medals and World Championships. And here I was - fourteen, with one championship title and simply an Olympic hopeful. I suppose they both noticed my nerves and Serena smiled at me gently as the make up artist started cleaning up my skin. She pulled up a chair and Cecilia another, and waited for a while before they said anything.

"I've seen people be nasty towards you, girl. But whatever they say, don't let them get to you. You're at the top of your game, and you ain't even half our age."

Intertwined - Tangled series (Overprotective famous brothers)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora