Brotherly advice

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"You did what?" Lauren exclaimed from the shower cubicle next to mine. I knew I was loud enough, and that I could safely ignore the question.

"I mean, that is a bad idea Lizzie." Sam noted, while she blew dry her hair. We were done training for the day. I had kept the secret for an entire day from my teammates, mostly because we had company the entire day and letting coaches know that a guy sneaked in to kiss me wasn't the greatest idea.

"We still love each other." I defended myself immediately, surprised at what came out of my mind. I knew I sounded like a fool, but it was just something I couldn't deny anymore. I had tried so hard to move on with my life but there wasn't a day when I didn't think about Adrian and what we had, what was so dear to me, what I had missed profusely.

"Of course you do babe, he is your first love. But he was drunk. And he sneaked in. Doesn't that tell you something?"

Lauren had a good point here. I was trying to tell myself that what had happened meant hope for us, but maybe not. Maybe it was just a bad idea.

I had texted him in the morning, and he had not replied back. I told myself that he must be in practice, and that he couldn't exactly text while swimming. But it was now late noon, and I was surer by the second that he was just ignoring me. Adrian had kissed me because he was under the influence of alcohol and nothing else. He wasn't very serious about his actions, and even though he may still be in love with me, he wasn't willing to acknowledge. This was perhaps worse than Adrian not loving me anymore.

"Fuck my life." I muttered while stepping out. Lauren tried to follow me, but Sam stopped her. God bless her soul for knowing what people need at times.

I grabbed my laptop and went into the lobby. It was empty, but I sat opposite the door incase someone walked in. I needed Wifi, and this was the only place I could access it. But at the same time, I needed to make sure nobody heard our conversation. Logging into facetime, I called Adrian up.

"What, Alisha?" he said. Not even a hello. No smiles. I couldn't help but tear up from remembering what FaceTime used to be like before, full of kisses and giggles and food and gushing and innocent teasing and talks. So many talks. We couldn't get enough of each other when we were a world apart, and now he didn't want to talk to me while he was five minutes away. The irony.

"We need to talk about yesterd.."

"Shush." He placed his finger on his lips and I heard him close the door to his room. I sighed and waited until he was sitting on his bed. He didn't look like he had just completed training, further cementing my thought about ignoring me.

"It was just a kiss. Like stop obsessing over it." he said and before I could say anything else, he disconnected a call while saying gibberish under his breath. I sighed at the black screen in front of me, and immediately made another call. Salman.

"Hey love, I'm at this...what happened?" I saw that he was in his car, probably on his way to some event. He was dressed up and I could see the medieval age monuments around, so I figured he must be in a European city. Rome. He was supposed to be at Rome today.

"We can talk later." I said, wiping my tears away, but he shook his head.

"The world can wait. What's wrong?" he asked.

His forehead had creases and there was no way he was going to let this go. The car had come to a halt at the side of a road, and I figured he'd signalled for his chauffeur and Sean to leave the car to give me some privacy. Grateful for his presence, albeit virtual, I sighed.

Intertwined - Tangled series (Overprotective famous brothers)Where stories live. Discover now