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We went backstage, with the children talking to us and jumping around with hyper-ness. Their adrenaline rush hadn’t seemed to reduce, but instead rise with the minute. Giggling with a friend who was telling me about a time in practice where everyone fell like dominos, I changed into the after party outfit. Opting for a sassy white dress with a layer of drape below the hips, I kept the black pumps on, adding a statement making ring and fixing my hair into a messy updo. A makeup artist added shimmer eyes shadow, and I was all ready to rock it. The after party wasn’t a Being Human event, but more of a get together for every celebrity who had flown across half the world to support our cause. 

“Sexy lady.” Malaika looked at me and I checked out my sister in law.

“Oh, we’re gonna burn the place.” She giggled and we walked out into our car, and the kids in their cars to make way to Apicus, our venue for the night. Within fifteen minutes, we were there and I saw the glimpse of my brothers make their way in after a little paparazzi session. 

“Joey!” I saw Joe get out of their limo, and hugged him. The cameras flashed to catch me and the Jonas family reuniting, and we didn’t care. I honestly missed these idiots. 

“Girl, you’re only fourteen…” Nick looked at my outfit and shook his head, immediately getting hit in the head by Kevin and Joe. They had all maintained that I could wear and go wherever I wanted to, anytime, and nobody had the right to lay a finger on me. That was why I loved them so flipping much.

“Mama J!” I hugged her, and missed Papa J in an instant. He had to stay back, but I knew he was always with us in his thoughts. 

“Guys, can we please?” Malaika made her way through our group chit chatting and we giggled. We had to make it inside soon, away from all the crowds and fans and camera flashes to truly get to hang out for the night. But before that, we had to perform our duty. Pose for the cameras and fans, take pictures and sign autographs. 

“Nick! Nick!” a girl yelled and he went to her, and started to sign posters of their concert. Much to my surprise, people had posters of me in their hands and were screaming, yelling my name from all directions. 

“Malaika, Alisha, please here!” we saw a seventeen something year old fight for our attention, and with the ferocity she was standing against the barriers it wasn’t long before they gave in. We had a real passionate fan base. 

“Hey there!” I smiled at her as me and Malaika made our way to the other end of the fans waiting area, as this girl squealed her lungs out at our sight. Trying not to giggle, I reminded myself I would have done the same thing if I were to see Nadia Comedeci and Johnny Depp on the same red carpet. 

“What’s your nam…” Malaika asked her smiling, and cast a glance at everyone yelling our name for a photo. In the crowd, there was a pair of eyes that caught her eye. Before I could even turn to see who exactly froze Malaika in her spot, she stumbled on the ground clutching her upper torso and in a moment, I was on the ground too.

Burns, all over. All I felt was burns. Pain, agony ran through my neck and chest, spreading through the entire body like wild fire. Burns, pain and then blackness.

Joe Jonas

I was talking to a little girl standing with her father, who happened to love our music. She was carrying a poster in her fragile hands, and wanted nothing more than an autograph on it. Writing down her name and a message before the autograph, I saw something unusual. 

Malaika had frozen on the red carpet, staring at a pair of eyes. I squinted my eyes towards the woman, who within a split second threw some liquid on Malaika and Alisha. It was as if a bullet had hit them, they both fell on the ground.

Intertwined - Tangled series (Overprotective famous brothers)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ