Adoption chat number...nobody knows

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It was only a day until we were off to training camp, and Salman was being extremely emotional about it. Of course, a lot had happened in yesterday and today.

The cops caught those men, who turned out to be selling drugs in the area as well. The media pressure forced the cops to arrest them, and as it turned out, a good part of the department was trying to shield them. This also meant they would be suspended until further inquiry, and that gave us a sense of justice being served. As for the men, they were doomed. They knew they were in a big case now, and the public had already passed a verdict. They were going to rot in jail. However, they had the right to a lawyer, and he was trying his best to accuse us two of lying and what not. Of course, the evidence was too overwhelming.

It turned out that Salman was so mad, he was at the precinct when they were brought in and landed a blow on the guy after he started telling my brother how his sister was a whore. The lawyer pressed charges against him, and he was asked to appear in court. However, our lawyer assured us it wasn't a big deal. Most jurors were women and they wouldn't stand America's darling being insulted, especially after most people knew exactly what had happened. He'd most probably get out on a warning.

But now it was afternoon, and we were sitting near the swimming pool, and we were ready for a live chat.

We'd figured that it'd been a while since we spoke to people, and we didn't want anyone to feel alone. So the hotel gave us a small area to ourselves and we stayed there as the technicians set up the system.

I was in my bikini, telling myself this would be the last time this summer I'd be able to soak up the sun. I made sure I enjoyed it, and lay down with my eyes closed feeling the warmth all over me.

"Thank God we always keep it chill." he said and I smiled, knowing exactly what he meant. This was one of the things we did from our heart, and we did it the way we wanted. He worked in an industry where everything from his outfits to his facial expressions were pre planned for him by someone else. Doing it for a living made you more aware and grateful of the freedom you enjoy otherwise.

"We're set. And already two minutes late so go!" a technician said and we pressed the live button.

"Hola, chicos!" I greeted them and Salman nudged me to give him more space. I scooted and he sat down, and I placed my face on his shoulder.

"She only knows like, seven words in Spanish." he mocked me and the war started.

"Atleast I know seven. You don't even remember adios sometimes."

"I know Japanese!"

"You can't get away with everything saying you know Japanese! Like, I say you don't know how to be patient and you say you know Japanese."

"Please love, I'm more patient than you are."

"Hell no."

"Was I the one to call up the pizza place every five minutes?"

"Was I the one who wasn't patient enough to cook in the first place?"

"Guys. Adoption. Questions. Go." the technician prompted at us and we looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

"Yes. Siblings." I said. Taking a deep breath or two, we calmed down and got to the point of this live chat and reminded ourselves that there were people out there who really needed our help.

"Ah ah biological parents coming back into your life." I looked at a question and rolled my eyes. Isn't that the trickiest of all things to deal with?

Intertwined - Tangled series (Overprotective famous brothers)Where stories live. Discover now