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So guys, this is just a filler for all the new readers, this chapter will tell you what happened in the previous three books without having to read through it! 

And as for others, I'll upload the next chapter too, since this is sooooo short. Sorry for that! 



A flashback

It was the annual extempore competition in my school in LA. I was in second grade, waiting for my chit to come out.

“Miss Alisha, your topic will be ‘my parents’.” My Science teacher announced and I trembled back. What could I speak about them? I held the microphone in my tender hands, shaking. I looked at the audience, who had started to boo. I moved backwards, scared. My parents…

“Parents. Parents are not people who give birth to you, but they take care of you. They grow you up. Tuck you into the bed, teach you to ride a bike, scold you when you are wrong. They hug you when you’re afraid, and whisper “it’s alright”.” I looked at the left corner of the room to find my entire family sitting together, listening intently.

“I have three parents.” I looked down and ran off the stage, ashamed. People were calling me names, taunting me to be adopted and orphan. Back then I didn’t even know if my parents were alive or dead, I just knew they weren’t with me.

“Moms and Dads are important,” I heard Salman’s voice boom through the room, and girls went crazy. Even in my school where the rich studied, he was loved. He was the newest star in Hollywood after all,

“But brothers are good enough too.” He looked at me and hugged me, in those bear hugs I loved. He made me forget the pain I felt in my heart, the emptiness.

Fast forward

Emptiness again. Salman’s girlfriend had succeeded in breaking my family apart and I lived alone in LA. Kat had wanted him all to herself; she couldn’t handle Salman being the doting brother he was. She played her dirty games, blackmailing me into throwing my family away.

The one month without talking to them was miserable. My life was hell. I couldn’t handle anything, anyone. Life was like a black hole, and I kept falling, falling.

But Salman caught me in time. He kicked Kat out, he out the entire family back together. That was more than a year ago, and he still hadn’t dated anyone since. I knew in the bottom of his heart he was still hurt, still in pain.

A nightmare

Getting bullied was normal for me, but this wasn’t. Here I was, fighting for my life against terrorists who had attacked three schools- along with mine. The kids of the best and the influential studies here, there could not have been a better target.

I was face to face with the terrorist, whose life mattered the most. His death would activate bombs and blow away the entire building. But right now, he was busy beating me up.

Pain, fire in my chest. My legs felt numb, my hand felt like it could fall apart from my body any moment now. I couldn’t breathe, it was like trying to breath cement. I couldn’t even cry out, it was mute pain. And Tango Charlie, the one who took more than fifteen lives in my school, enjoyed to see me suffer.

The special forces came in, because we had dared to fight them. Series of events, and hundreds of lives were saved. But it was too late, Tango had gulped a potassium cyanide pill. I wanted to tell them to save Tango Charlie before treating me, but I couldn’t utter a word. We were outside the school now, and I saw Sohail standing towards my left. I was Tango Charlie smirk and stop breathing. The next second, a deafening blast and blackness.

Back to life

I was alive, but at what cost? Doctors said I would never be able to run, forget gymnastics. I had a disease now, known as Pulmonary Fibrosis- incurable, fatal. I could only manage it using vials of oxygen, because my defected lungs could no longer regulate the oxygen levels in my body. I used pods and injections, much like diabetic patients. It took a toll on my physical, mental and emotional self. Imagine having no control over yourself sometimes, being helpless.

But I came back, I fought. Dimitri believed I could perform, he stood by me. The USAG thought it was wrong to play with my health, and banned him as a coach and my gym kicked us both out. Me, Lauren and Dimitri trained in Mumbai, and now we both were one of the strongest gymnasts the world had ever seen.

In that while, I met Adrian. Second best swimmer in USA, and his dirty blonde hair and green eyes. Why did I fall for him? He understood me so well, better than any other guy around. He knew the pain of not having a mother, and he didn’t care I was a ‘celebrity sister’. He liked me for who I was, and not for what my family was.

I woke up, sweating. I had to check my oxygen levels, I felt low. My body trembled, my throat felt hoarse. I was right, my oxygen levels were low. Correcting the inflow of oxygen through my phone which was connected to my pod, I went to my guitar. Destellar, which meant sparkling in German. And it was apt, my acoustic guitar did sparkle.

*Girl on Fire*

Music had been my way of life, a way to express myself. Even though my brothers didn’t care about me being politically correct it wasn’t always possible to say out what I wanted to. So I wrote it down on paper, added notes to it and tucked it in my heart. It was probably the reason I hadn’t turned into a rebel by now.

I picked up my phone to text someone I knew would be awake right now. Salman was in another country, looking after a fashion show. Being Human was our NGO, and we sold clothes and merchandise to earn money to help underprivileged children and people. Donations were allowed too, but shows like these promoted our NGO and generated money to help millions.

Hey you- Alisha

Um, heyyy!! It’s Beyonce, we’re playing a prank on Salman here and he’s hunting for his phone while im in the green room wearing your amazing design- Beyonce

Oh, hey! I still have fan girl moments texting you…and it’s more of Hailie’s design really. – Alisha

Haha, I love you girl. Please tell me you have another masterpiece? – Beyonce

My songs are hardly masterpieces, but yeah just came up with one- Alisha

I cant wait to hear it, send it to me when you record it? If you don’t mind that is- Beyonce

Sure! It’s my pleasure that YOU want to hear it- Alisha

Like Duh! Im your eternal fan, you know?- Beyonce

Thank God Im in bed, coz I would have fainted reading that text- Alisha

Haha, ok ttyl…I think Salman’s here searching for his phone.- Beyonce

Lol ok ttyl tc. – Alisha

Putting my phone down, I snuggled in into my covers again, this time falling asleep to find to memories rushing back. Only nemo tumbling around on the balance beam with tinkerbell cheering on- weird dreams.


Hellow my loves! 

So, many of you have been showering me with love and I'm glad my book is well liked. The reason for slow updates are many, from excessive senior year work, to some personal problems that have begun to take a toll on me, to an extent that I couldn't write or even I am truly sorry! 

I promise, I'll keep updating whenever I can! 

Till then, enjoy and smile beautiful :) 

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