National Camp

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Training centres were meant to be just that - training centres. And the national camp was no different. There were gymnasts around, and they were trained at different levels. And then there were elites, trained for Olympics. We all shared the dorms and had food at their mess, had common washrooms and showers. All of which was fine by be - or would have been, if I hadn't found a paparazzo sneaking in and trying to go through my stuff.

"Why do you think you can rummage through my things?" I asked the man standing next to my bed. He had my clothes and training kit spread all over the bed and was clicking photos of things that were not only personal but also objectionable. For example, my underwear and sports bars and the body lotion I swore by.

"Hey, smile love."

"I am not your love." I rolled my eyes, trying to take the camera away. He wouldn't give it to me, but I looked at a young girl at the entrance, who swiftly made her way to my bed to help me tackle the man. Once I had the camera, I could call for the one security guard we had and get him out.

"And warn your other friends against something like this." I told him. I had texted Mike what had happened, and he was freaking out the entire time.

The thing was, he wasn't allowed anywhere near me. The USAG decided on the last minute that bodyguards were too elitist a thing, and they couldn't discriminate between gymnasts. As much as I understood where they came from, I also needed Mike Tyson to show some people their place and keep them from ruining my life.

Mike was beyond furious at this point. He was typing in all caps and did not know how to not be protecting me. We'd sent Mike Tyson away on a holiday to Costa Rica, but they went only after I promised him I would let them know if anything when wrong. He was about to take a flight all the way here just to make sure nobody came near me.

He knew he couldn't.

So he decided to go to the bar and have a beer while he contacted Ruth to make sure there was someone around the camp premises all the time, making sure people were not sneaking into the property.

"Jesus, USAG has no standards with food." Lauren frowned at what we had in our trays. And it was true. Our food was miserable, so bad that most of us were sick of it by now. They served the same thing to us as the six year olds, and this would continue for a week until their camp was over. They wanted Olympic medals, but didn't want to spend some extra dimes on our nutrition.

"You girls. Even the walls have ears." Sam reminded us and sipped on her soup, as we had ours. As the aftermath of the stalking, creepy paparazzo, the two girls also swore to stay as close to me as possible.

Dimitri was ruthless to the entire team. He didn't make us wake up at 5 am anymore, which was a plus. We trained from 7 to 10 am, and then from 2 to 6 pm. Our entire day, virtually, was spent training. I didn't mind this, because it was the last one month I had to stretch and hustle until I didn't have that medal around my neck. The gold medal.

Dimitri liked the way our team had panned out. There were specialists, but it was the perfect combination for a team win. If we continued to work the way we did, the team Gold was definitely ours.

At the same time, the guys who attacked us were due in court and the lawyers came to us for some advice or formalities. We'd chosen not to testify, and since we were underage and had plenty of evidence, it wouldn't be required. And I was glad. I didn't want to see their faces again, smirking away to glory. The cops had told us they didn't break, didn't apologise one bit. They didn't feel any remorse, because according to them what they did was what any other man would.

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