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Pulling down his mask, Felix took in a deep breath as soon as the operation was done. He is an orthopedic surgeon in the hospital's emergency room. Today he had just saved the life of a man who had fallen off a three story height and fractured his leg. He was glad that the man was doing fine now and doesn't seem to have any problems anymore. He left his staff and co-workers to finish up as he talked to the man's relatives.

He pushed open the door expecting concerned faces and hopeful looks, but what he found was a terrifyingly angry woman in her mid thirties along with policemen. The woman had a menacing aura as if she were prepared to strike down a man at any moment. The malice in her eyes and the danger in her stance. She was the type of person that he'd rather not associate with. But what was worst was that he recognised who she was.

"You must be–," he began, only to be cut off by the lady. "I'm not related to him. I work for him, at least used to," she corrected sternly. He nodded as he continued, "I'm Dr. Graham de Vanily, I'm glad to inform you that the operation was done well, and you can expect a steady recovery."

She scoffed at this and muttered something under her breath about how that patient should've just died. As a doctor, he's shocked to hear this, but not that surprised seeing her initial reaction. But he's too terrified at her to actually say anything. She looked back at him and simply said, "If that's all, I'll be leaving now. I still need to stop by at the police station."

He furrowed his eyebrows in concern as he asked her why. She grimaced in a mixture of anger and embarrassment. The officers behind her were also concerned with this issue.

"That patient of yours got injured from jumping out the third floor when the police caught him after I called them on him for physically abusing the children and embezzling the funds of the private school," she replied a bit downhearted as if she hoped that she could've stopped him sooner. He nodded in understanding and excused them.

He entered his office after he had cleaned up and rested on his chair. He hated these cases, but he's not really needed. His only job is to cure the sick. He only hoped that he wouldn't be seeing that woman again. He knows that she has long forgotten, but the guilt will always haunt him to this very day. As it was the very reason he chose this profession. With that thought in mind he took in a deep breath and began writing his report.

He stand corrected, as a week later she has returned, but with children no less. He was lucky that his speciality was for adults or else he would be meeting her again. From his experience she was to terrifying to talk to. But watching her with the kids her entire demeanor changes from an unapproachable person to a caring mother. He guessed that this could be because of her protectiveness towards her ears that she gives off a menacing aura.

He continued with his work, but when he passed the children's ward on his way back after seeing his patient. It seemed like one of the students had broke their leg and is currently being taken care of while her classmates and the other school staff stood beside her. He immediately went back to his office to drop off the patients' files before he went on break.

Once he finished his current work, he was headed to the cafeteria. In his way, his phone rang so he found a quiet place and answered the call.

"Hello, mother, is there a problem?" he asked as soon as he answered the call. He heard her sigh deeply from the other line, already imagining her forcing a smile on her face.

"It's nothing dear, I just wanted to check on you," she began. He tightened good grip on the phone, disliking how this would go.

"If it's nothing, then I'd like to go now." He prepared to hang up knowing that she wouldn't press on.

Felinette (Felix x Marinette) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now