École Élémentarie

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This is a part 2 for Kindergarten where the kids are now in their third year of elementary school.

The zoo, the one place where children and animals run amok. Is it a good idea for a school trip? Yes, definitely! ... Alright, there will be some kids that get out of hand, and if you're too busy with those kids some might have, I don't know, gotten lost along the way. But at the very least those kids were the responsible ones, they know what to do, right?

"I've lost them! How can I loose those two? They're not the type to run off from the group. They probably got kidnapped or something!" Noroo, the homeroom teacher, lamented in despair. The mocking laugh of his colleague made him glare at him with a pout.

"This is not a laughing matter, Plagg! We lost Felix and Marinette, we have to find them!" he scolded him, but the dark haired man only yawned and waved a hand at him.

"Don't worry too much about it. Those kids haven't gotten far. You take care of the rest I'll look for them. I'll contact you when I do," Plagg suggested as he stalked off to look for them. "Chin up kid, our job isn't done yet. We might as well finish it," he added as he waved them off. Noroo took a deep breath and nodded as he continued the tour with a more vigilant eye.


Two little kids hand in hand were making their way back to the canteen they were just in. Apparently the little girl had accidentally left her bag on the table. They pair went to their former seat and noticed there was a large family already sitting there. But nonetheless they approached them and asked if they saw her bag. The mother shook her head after she looked at all of the seats with them as she brought them to the staff who could've found it. They asked them to wait for a while as they looked at their lost and found.

"This is all your fault for pulling me," Marinette blamed her friend.

"My fault? You should've had your things on you already," he retorted

"How would I eat if I had a bag on me?" she explained with anger. He sighed dramatically as he muttered, "You're such a kid." But she definitely heard him making her return his words continuing their bickering. The young staff arrived with a box of lost and found items. This stopped their fight momentarily as they looked for her things.

Luckily, the bright pink satchel with white polka dots stood out from the items. Marinette happily took it as she thanked the staff for keeping her items safe. But as soon as she said that Felix grabbed her arm and pulled her away.

"Come on, we're already separated from the group. We have to find them soon before they realized we left," he grumbled to her as they left the cafeteria. His companion could only roll her eyes at his urgency for everything, but complied nonetheless. He guided her down the path towards the wild cats, just missing the teacher who entered the canteen looking for them. The pair had been walking for five minutes now and there was still no sign of their classmates or teachers. Marinette was slowly suspecting something, mostly with how Felix's hand seems to be sweating as they went on. They stopped in front of the lions when she finally blurted out, "We're lost, aren't we?"

He looked away as he tried to relax his features, but as an eight-year old child who can't lie to a friend his emotions were still clear as day. He turned back at her and replied in a clearly irritated voice, "No we're not! We just have to hurry to catch up with them." He reasoned as they started to sprint through the crowd to prove her wrong. But she didn't like being pulled around like this. She rammed her feet to the ground to stop them in their tracks. This forced her friend to stop and turn back to her with an embarrassed look on his face.

Felinette (Felix x Marinette) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now