Ugh, Men (Levi x Reader)

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You sat at a mostly empty table off to the side of the ballroom, next to your best friend and fellow squad leader, Captain Levi – who looked as bored as you felt.

Neither of you had wanted to attend the annual military gala. Given your relatively antisocial natures, partying with the prissy rich people who donated money to the military wasn't exactly your definition of a good time. However, all officers were expected to attend – and that included you two.

Thus, you and Levi kept to your relatively secluded corner. While you may not have enjoyed anyone else's company, you certainly enjoyed each other's – likely because neither of you talked just to talk. If one of you spoke, it was because that person actually had something to say. Otherwise, you could sit together in companionable silence without feeling the need to force a conversation. It was a rather refreshing contrast to the endless prattle and laugher going on in the ballroom around you.

Occasionally, your fellow Scouts stopped by to chat, but unlike you and Levi, they mostly preferred to enjoy the party. From your current position, you could see Hanji a few meters away, speaking animatedly with some officers from the Engineering Corps, clearly taking full advantage of the free alcohol while Moblit fussed at her side. Eld – Levi's lieutenant – leaned against a window to your left, flirting with two young noblewomen. Meanwhile, Gelgar and Nanaba were a constant presence at the refreshment table across the room, giving Hanji a run for her money with the sheer amount of drinks they consumed.

You hadn't seen Erwin for a while – though that wasn't surprising. At events like this, your older brother tended to work his way around the entire room, flattering as many deep-pocketed nobles and merchants as possible. After all, part of his job as commander was to secure funds for the Scout Regiment. And unlike you, his suave, confident demeanor made him quite successful in the social scene.

"Excuse me, miss."

That polished, male voice yanked you from your internal observations, and you felt slightly bewildered as you turned to face the pretty nobleman who now stood before you. Vaguely, you recalled Erwin pointing him out in the crowd earlier, telling you that he was the son of a rich lord whose name you had forgotten. Such things had never been as important to you as they were to your brother.

The young man extended a hand toward you, a polite smile plastered on his perfect face. "A beautiful lady like you shouldn't have to spend a party next to someone so unsightly," he declared. "Why don't you come with me?"

You blinked, not comprehending. Unsightly? But...the only person next to you was Levi...

A second later, it clicked, and your body went still. Yet, despite your lack of reaction on the outside, you were filled with an anger too intense to process on the inside. Did he really just say...?

He did, and his voice had carried enough that surrounding partygoers had paused their conversations to stare at the three of you – Hanji, Moblit, and Eld among them. You had an audience now, and it was waiting on bated breath to see how you would react. After all, people rarely insulted Humanity's Strongest Soldier so brazenly.

Still in shock, you stared, expressionless, at the nobleman.

A moment later, you turned your head to look at Levi. The captain was watching you with a similarly blank expression, giving away nothing as to how he felt about the nobleman's insult. For all the world could tell, he was completely unaffected either way.

Then you returned your stare to the nobleman.

After another moment, you released a soft sigh and rose from your chair. Thinking he had been successful, the nobleman's grin widened as he waited for you to come to him. Yet, when you extended your hand, it was not to take his own. Rather, you bypassed his hand completely, instead raising two fingers so he could see them.

Levi x Reader Oneshots 2Where stories live. Discover now