Morning (Husband Levi x Wife Reader)

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The morning was almost gone by the time you awoke, sunlight filtering through the curtains to brighten the room. Your body was cradled by an impossibly soft mattress in a pristinely white bed, practically swimming in the plush pillows, silky sheets, and fluffy duvet. And in your arms, Levi slept soundly, his elegant features completely relaxed and unguarded for the first time in too many years.

You beamed, happier than you'd ever been as you recalled your wedding yesterday, followed by the wedding night you'd spent right here, in this bed. And now, getting to wake up with Levi tucked against you, knowing you'd get to wake up with him every morning for the rest of your life...the joy in your heart grew to an impossible degree. You couldn't count the number of times you'd imagined this future, but somehow, the reality was even better than you'd envisioned.

A few seconds later, as if he sensed your gaze, Levi's eyelids fluttered open.

Your smile widened, and you brushed your fingers through his slightly ruffled hair. "Good morning, my darling husband," you murmured, unable to resist saying it.

Levi hummed happily and closed his eyes – a tiny, dopey smile pulling at his own lips as he mumbled, "Good morning, wife." Sleepily, he nuzzled into you, planting little kisses on your bare skin. "My wife."

You giggled, tickled by his kisses and by the brush of his hair across your skin. "You like that, huh?"

"Mhm," he confirmed, continuing his affectionate kisses across your shoulders, up your neck. "My wife."

You giggled again at his innocent yet adoring demeanor, endeared by how happy he was to simply be here with you. He'd told you, before, how he thought he'd never be able to have something like this. But now that the titans were gone and the war was over, at long last, he could believe in the promise of a peaceful future. It was like a dream come true – for both of you.

"Come here," you murmured with a grin, pulling his mouth to yours.

You and your husband kissed deeply, a bit sloppy – both still drowsy – completely ignoring your morning breath. Your hands drifted to trace the scars on his back, softly, imbuing them with your love. Levi practically purred against your lips, content to have your tender touch in places where there was once so much pain.

His hand came to rest on your hip, skin warming skin. You could feel the callouses on his palm, his fingers, as well as his wedding band gently pressing against you. Your heart skipped, and when your own fingers reached down to brush across the metal, a grin tugged at the corners of his lips, delighted by the reminder of your promise.

As you two pulled apart, catching your breath, your hand gently closed around his. He allowed you to lift it up between you, to where you could both see. For a moment, you each gazed at it, cherishing the symbol of your eternal partnership, all at once simple yet divinely beautiful.

At last, you kissed the ring in a soft peck, and Levi's warm gaze turned to you, silently thanking you for your love.

"So...should we get up?" he asked.

"We don't have to," you murmured. "We've got nowhere to be."

"Guess you're right," Levi grumbled thoughtfully, settling back down with his cheek on your chest. He was quiet for a moment, then, "It feels strange. For the first time, to...not have a ton of work waiting for me. To not have to worry about surviving. To just..."

"Relax," you finished for him.

Levi nodded, and you pecked him on the nose. "We can relax here for as long as we want. All day, in fact."

"Tch," he scoffed, though he was smiling. "That sounds like a bit much. We at least have to eat."

"Mmm, is someone hungry?" you hummed playfully, ruffling his bangs a little.

Your husband rolled his eyes. "No, but I know someone who gets grumpy if she isn't fed at regular intervals."

"As opposed to being grumpy all the time?"

Levi clicked his tongue, then nuzzled into you a bit more. "I'm not grumpy now," he mumbled against your skin.

Your heart warmed, endeared by his affectionate actions. "Neither am I."

The conversation faded into silence, and you both lay still, enjoying the moment. You yourself felt that, even if you did grow hungry, you would never want to move from this spot. Everything was just so warm and cozy – the softness of the bed cushioning you, the smoothness of the sheets on your skin, and Levi tucked so perfectly against you, like his strong yet petite body was made to fit with yours.

"I love you so much, you know?" you whispered, as if speaking any louder would disturb the tranquility of the morning.

Levi pushed up on his elbows to look at you. Anyone else would've missed it, but you'd learned to interpret the subtle changes in his expression that conveyed his emotions. The gleam in his eyes. The way they crinkled slightly at the corners. He was beaming.

"I love you, too," he murmured.

You both gazed at each other warmly, drinking each other in as if you'd never get enough. Then, Levi leaned down to press a chaste kiss to the corner of your mouth, followed by another placed properly upon your lips. You met him there, molding your mouth to his. One hand slid up to carefully cradle his head while the other wrapped around his waist, holding him close. It felt so natural, so right, so you two kept going, savoring the home you'd found in one another.

When you finally pulled apart, Levi averted his gaze, softly biting his bottom lip between his teeth. You could tell what he wanted, but you waited patiently for him to ask, a knowing smile pulling at the corners of your mouth. Your fingers absently stroked the ends of his undercut, soothing, easing his nerves.

At last, Levi stuttered, "As long as we're s-staying in bed, do you t-think we could..." He trailed off, a gorgeous pink blush rapidly blooming across his pale cheeks.

You grinned. Then you carefully rolled over, your arms continuing to cradle his body, keeping it safe until he was lying beneath you. "We can," you whispered before leaning down to kiss him, claiming him gently, gradually, letting him feel all the warmth and admiration and love in your heart.

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