Different Kinds of Good (Anxious Levi x Reader)

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"I want to return the favor," Levi murmured, his fingers curling around the waistband of your pants, respectfully waiting for your consent. "Please, let me."

You smiled warmly from where you reclined against the pillows, showing your gratitude even as you were refusing. "Not tonight, sweetheart," you murmured. "It's late, and I'm exhausted."

His eyes turned pleading – but not in the good way, not in the way that made your stomach tingle. It felt more like...anxiety. "You wouldn't have to do anything," he tried, his voice hinting at desperation. "You could just lie there and relax. Let me take care of you. You took care of me. I can't just –"

"Shh, shh," you cooed, reaching out to detach his hands from your waistband with the most tender of touches. Then you gave him something else to grip instead – your fingers, lovingly entwining with his own. You held his mercury gaze as you stated, "You don't owe me anything."

Levi appeared lost as he stared back at you. He drew his bottom lip between his teeth. Swallowed. "It's what I'm best at," he murmured. However, the way he said it sounded more like, "It's the only thing I'm good for."

Your heart ached at the implication. "Levi, you're so much more than a sex toy to me. I hope you know that," you told him. "You make me feel good in a lot of different ways. Yes, taking care of me like that is one of them. But it also feels good when I get to cuddle with you, when I get to fall asleep with you in my arms, when I get to wake up in yours. When we talk, or when we're quiet. Everything we do together – it's all enjoyable for me. All of it."

His breath caught, as if he were surprised – as if he truly hadn't known how much all those things meant to you. His mouth quivered before he pressed his lips into a tight line, his brow furrowing similarly while his eyes searched your own, trying to see if you really spoke the truth. Meanwhile, you held his gaze just like you held his hands, showing him you meant what you said.

At last, Levi released the breath he'd been holding – and with it, his anxiety seemed to lessen. "You're sure?" he mumbled.

"Absolutely," you replied, leaning up to press a kiss to his forehead. You lingered there, knowing how much he liked forehead kisses, liked what those kind of kisses implied – that he was both adored and protected. There had been so little room for such things in his life, but here, with the two of you together, you wanted him to feel them in abundance.

When you finally sat back, and Levi saw your loving smile, his lips quirked in return. "All of it?" he asked, the smallest hint of confidence returning to his voice because of your encouragement. "Cleaning?"

You laughed. "Cleaning too," you assured him. "Heck, I even had fun during that one time we had to muck out the stables together in the middle of winter."

Levi huffed something between a chuckle and a scoff. "Seriously? Weird little brat," he quipped, but it was tender. Then he shook his head, reminiscing. "Damn, you and your stupid snowball fight got us into so much trouble that day. I thought Shadis was going to give himself an ulcer."

"Hey! You were the most serious out of everyone in that fight!" you pouted, poking him in the chest. "Mr. 'You Brats Have Shit Aim'."

"Did I say that?" he murmured, his eyes going soft.

"You most definitely did," you insisted.

Levi gave a fond hum, and then your conversation faded into a pleasant silence while you gazed at each other, savoring the person you loved most. You'd never get over the way he looked at you – how the muscles and lines in his face relaxed, how his mercury eyes swam with adoration – so different from the way he looked at anyone else. Even that small, simple act made your heart warm, made you feel good and special and happy. And he did it all without even realizing.

"C'mere," you murmured, giving his hand a gentle tug. "Cuddle with me. I want to fall asleep next to you."

The quirk of his lips curled into a full smile, and his eyes crinkled at the corners. He was beaming – glowing, just like the moon and the stars in the night sky. All traces of guilt had been swept away, now that he knew this different form of intimacy was enough to bring you joy. "As you wish, my queen," he replied softly, leaning down to give you a kiss before going where you led him.

The two of you snuggled together under the covers, arms wrapped around each other, legs intertwined. You were so close that, whenever you breathed in, your senses were filled with his familiar aroma of clean breezes and earthy forests – relaxing your body and quieting your mind like nothing else ever could. Given how exhausted you were, and how cozy you felt surrounded by the soft bedding and Levi's secure embrace, it wasn't long before you fell asleep.

Yet, Levi stayed awake a little longer, watching you fondly as you slept. He wanted to cherish the sight of you, comfortable and carefree in his arms, glad he could provide something good for the person he treasured most. On top of that, he also felt incredibly grateful for the simple fact that you were here with him at this moment, that you existed in his life. He'd lost so many people already – whether by their own choice or not – but you...you stuck with him. You loved him, exactly as he was, without any strings attached.

And you made him feel like he was worthy of it.

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