Couples Massage (Levi x Stressed Reader)

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You rubbed at the tightness in your neck, letting out a soft hiss. Just a moment ago, the same spot had been assaulted with a stab of pain when you tried to look over at the diagram Hanji was showing you. You'd hoped massaging the spot would give it some relief, but it merely turned the sharp pain into a dull one.

Your whole body had been like this since...well, actually, you couldn't remember when exactly it had started. You guessed it had happened gradually during your time in the military – the stress of your job twisting your muscles into knots, again and again, until you could hardly move without feeling pain somewhere. You'd tried to fix it by spending extra time stretching before and after training, and while you thought that might've helped a little, it certainly didn't fix the problem.

"You okay there?" Hanji asked, eyebrows drawn with concern.

"Yeah," you grunted, gritting your teeth while your fingers continued to work at the knot. The pressure hurt, but you figured it would help in the end. You hoped it would help in the end.

The section commander hummed thoughtfully. "You know, you always seem really tense. Maybe you should start getting massages to help you unwind. In fact, a new parlor just opened up in town, and they're really good! I've already gotten a few massages there, myself. Ten out of ten!"

"I don't know..." you grumbled, biting your bottom lip. You'd always felt apprehensive at the idea of being touched by strangers – which was why you'd never even considered a massage before now. However...maybe Hanji was right. Maybe you'd reached the point where massages were the only thing that could alleviate your problem.

"I couldn't hurt to try it once..." you mumbled.

Hanji clapped you on the back, causing you to wince as pain splintered across your shoulder blades. "That's the spirit!"

Yet, once you were at the appointment, you discovered how very wrong you were. The massage did hurt, because the therapist had to knead your muscles in order to get the knots out. It felt about ten times more intense than when you rubbed your muscles yourself, and more than once, you had to bite down on a groan as you were nearly overcome by the ache in your body.

After it was over, you realized the massage had relieved a bit of your tension, but you still didn't like being touched. The entire time the therapist's hands were on you, you'd had to force yourself to think of something else – like that puppy you saw on the way to the parlor, or how adorable Levi would look if he ever allowed you to put a flower crown on his head. However, even those mental images couldn't keep your thoughts from snapping back to the ache in your muscles, to the stranger kneading them. And then you were tense all over again.

Despite how you'd felt, you returned to the massage parlor twice a week. You never became comfortable being touched by a stranger, but what else could you do? You needed relief from the tightness in your muscles, and so far, this was the only way you'd been able to get it.

You'd tried to avoid the subject around your boyfriend, not wanting to worry him. Levi had enough on his plate already, and besides, there wouldn't be anything he could do to solve your discomfort, so there was no point in complaining. However, after a few weeks of observing you as you left for your appointments, you got the sense that Levi had figured it out on his own.


"Hey, Hanji..." Levi began as he leaned against the brunette's desk, his eyes staring at a spot on the wall. "Do you think you could teach me how to, uh..." He cleared his throat. "...give a massage?"

"Ooooh, what's this?" Hanji squealed, responding exactly how Levi had hoped she wouldn't. "Is someone jealous of the massage therapists who get to put their hands all over his girlfriend? Hmmmmmmm?"

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