Mama (Omega Levi x Alpha Reader)

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You woke up in the still-dark hospital room, in the narrow bed where you'd fallen asleep with Levi in your arms. Only – he wasn't there anymore. You blinked and glanced around, until your eyes found him leaning over the crib with his back to you, looking down at the little baby inside.

His baby – and yours.

Your heart warmed, figuring he must have awoken in the middle of the night because of some instinctive desire to be near the baby he'd brought into the world just hours ago. You knew how eager he was to be a mother, how elated that it was finally happening. He'd spent his whole life with a quiet acceptance that he'd never be able to get pregnant, given the constant need to fight. But when all your enemies were defeated, when the two of you began living safely and happily in your new home, when he felt secure enough to actually listen to his own emotions on the matter...he'd realized how badly he wanted a child.

Now, he had one.

A smile tugged at your lips – but before it could take hold, you registered a quiet sound coming from Levi, one that immediately twisted your warmth into concern. As he leaned against the crib, your omega was crying softly – and his scent told you his tears weren't made from happiness. Rather, they were born out of extreme distress.

You immediately got up and walked over to him. This close, you could see the occasional teardrop falling from his cheek into the crib, creating a tiny damp spot a few inches from where your child slept unaware. And he was trembling – not just leaning over the crib, but gripping the rail with white knuckles, holding himself up because his legs were too shaky to do it on their own.

Not wanting to overwhelm him, you began with something small – a hand on his back, rubbing gently – ready to grab him if he suddenly collapsed. "What's wrong, lovely?" you asked in a hushed tone, mindful of the baby sleeping beneath you. "Are you hurting somewhere? Do I need to call the doctor?"

Levi shook his head. "No...I'm fine," he whispered through his tears. His voice was rough, stilted, as if it were an effort to get the words out. "It just...hit me. That I'm a mama now. And..." He hiccupped, trying to hold back a sob. "I...I really want to be a good mama. But I don't know how, and I'm scared, because...I love our baby so much..."

"Okay, it's okay," you murmured, hushing him tenderly while you slid your arm around his waist, gingerly guiding him away from the crib and back toward the bed. "Let's sit down. There, you're okay."

You sat next to him on the mattress, wrapping him in your arms. Like this, you could feel just how severely he was trembling, and you realized he must be having a panic attack. His quiet cries had turned to outright sobs now that he was nestled against your shoulder, as if he'd been holding back this whole time but couldn't any longer.

"Was this...w-what is was like for Mama?" he croaked. "Was this why she didn't get rid of me, even though...a b-baby was too big a burden? Why she gave up s-so much...for m-me..."

"I'm sure your mama loved you very much," you murmured earnestly – petting his hair in an attempt to soothe him, worried about him overexerting himself so soon after giving birth.

The next sob that escaped him was more broken than the last – as if your sincere words had cut down to his very core. "What if I c-can't do it?" he cried. "W-what if I'm not good enough? The n-nurse already s-said I'm not making enough m-milk –"

"Don't you worry about that," you insisted, feeling a stab of anger toward the nurse who'd commented on his not-so-swollen chest while he'd still been in labor. Deep down, you knew she hadn't meant to upset him, but saying something like that when his hormones were already in a whirlwind was just careless. It was even worse given the fact that he'd almost starved to death as a child, and thus, scarcity of food was a very real concern to him – one he never wanted his own child to face. "It doesn't make you a bad mama, Levi. It's common for male omegas to produce less milk than female omegas, and there's lots of formula available to buy for that reason. Our baby will have plenty to eat."

"Y-you're sure?" he questioned, sounding so small that it broke your heart all over again.

You pressed a kiss to his head. "Yes, love, I'm sure. I'm sure our baby will never go hungry, and I'm sure you're going to be a great mama. You already are."

At that, Levi began crying so earnestly that he didn't have room for any more words. He could only grip you like a lifeline while he sobbed into your shirt, releasing all the anxiety that had built up inside him. Meanwhile, you continued to hold him, brushing your fingertips through his hair, then down his spine, over and over in a calming gesture. You also crooned and purred softly – the sounds an alpha's way of telling their omega that they were protected and loved.

Slowly but surely, over the next half hour, Levi calmed down. At that point, he was exhausted, and he slumped into your frame, every piece of him feeling too heavy to move. Yet, you could still scent hints of distress coming from him – refusing to go away.

So you pressed another kiss to his head and murmured, "You'll be a wonderful mama, Levi. I know you will, because I know you. I know how caring and nurturing you are, even if you don't express those things in the same way everyone else does. I saw how you taught the younger soldiers, how you were there whenever they needed you, how you guided them and gave them advice. At the same time, you ultimately let them make their own choices. And that's what parenting is all about – nurturing your child, loving and teaching them, so they're enabled to succeed as whoever and whatever they grow up to be."

Levi sighed – a soft, relieved sound – and with it, all the lingering traces of distress faded away. Then he nuzzled into your neck, silently expressing his affection and gratitude for the gift of your encouraging words. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice hoarse from crying for so long. "I know you'll be a great parent, too."

You beamed, stroking his hair one last time before you murmured, "Come on, now. You've done a lot of work to bring our little bundle into the world. You deserve a nice, long sleep."

Levi didn't resist as you guided him to lie down. Yet, his eyes glinted with hesitation as they flicked toward the crib – but it didn't rise to the level of panic. Rather, it was the normal, maternal desire to ensure the safety of his child.

Your heart warmed. "Don't worry, love," you told him, brushing his hair back from his face before leaning down and pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Our baby will be right here when you wake up."

You felt him relax a bit underneath your touch, your reassuring words. With a small nod, he gave in and made himself comfortable on the bed, closing his eyes. Carefully, you tucked him in, then stroked his hair while purring softly until he fell asleep. Exhausted as he was, and with the endless love he felt from you, it didn't take long at all.

You smiled fondly as you watched him, glad he was getting the rest he deserved. Then your eyes flicked to the crib, where your precious baby was sleeping just as soundly, and your smile grew even wider. Here was your little family, all together – filling you with more joy than you ever thought possible.

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