Five Love Languages - From You (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! This part is going to be a bit different than the others. Rather than being one big story, I divided it into sections, with each discussing one of the five love languages, as they would be given from the reader to Levi. I have my personal opinions about which languages he'd prefer, but just for fun, I wrote something for all of them. I am hoping to get the reverse version out next week, so you can see all five love languages as Levi would express them to you. Happy reading!

(Also, I should let you know that this one has just a bit of sauciness, but as always, nothing too crazy.)

Quality Time

As one would expect, Humanity's Strongest Soldier was a very busy man. Most of it came with the role of captain – attending strategy meetings, training his squad, mountains of paperwork. And then there were the brainstorming sessions and trips to the interior with Erwin, because he was the commander's trusted right-hand man. And then there were the additional training sessions he placed upon himself, because every little bit could help save his comrades' lives.

Between all of that, he didn't have much time to spend with his girlfriend – unless you wanted to chat with him at 2am while his insomnia was keeping him awake. (To be fair, you tried, but not everyone has the stamina of the captain, and he insisted you get adequate sleep.) It wasn't that he didn't want to be with you – not in the slightest. He was simply overworked, and with the critical nature of his role, he didn't have the luxury of taking some things off his plate.

So, you did what you could. When it came time for the routine cleaning of Headquarters, you made sure you were always in the same room as Levi. When he had errands to run in town, you went with him. And when he was buried under a mound of paperwork, you were seated right across from him – trudging through your own assignments if you had any, or helping with his if you didn't.

Levi felt terrible that you were always stuck doing chores with him. He wanted to be a good partner for you – to take you on dates and give you a fun experience – and he constantly criticized himself for not being able to do that. It took some work on your part to convince him that you didn't mind in the slightest. In your view, what you were doing didn't matter, as long as you got to spend time with him.

Once Levi internalized this, it made him happier than he could put into words – though his small smiles sometimes gave him away. In his mind, your desire to be with him under any circumstances showed how important he was to you. Of course, Humanity's Strongest was important to a great many people – but this was different. Rather than being regarded as a celebrity or a weapon, with you, he was important for simply being himself. Levi. The man with a penchant for quality tea and cleanliness, who enjoyed gazing up at the sky, and who cared for his comrades more than they would ever know.

Besides, your time together wasn't entirely spent on chores and military tasks. Every few days, you did find a handful of minutes to take tea in his office, seated side-by-side on the old couch he'd dragged inside for just such occasions. On the rare night when the workload was light, you two would take a break and stroll around Headquarters, holding hands while you enjoyed each other's company and the stars that twinkled down from above. And even though Levi tried to prioritize your sleep, you still ended up staying awake with him sometimes, carrying on deep conversations until the early hours of the morning, or cuddling close without saying anything at all.

Given that soldiers never knew when their time would be up, Levi cherished every single minute he got to spend with you.

Words of Affirmation

From the capital city of Mitras all the way to Wall Maria, one would be hard-pressed to find a person who didn't admire Humanity's Strongest Solder. Even the nobles and MP's who harbored resentment toward the Scout Regiment and all its members couldn't deny the obvious fact that Captain Levi's skills were a cut above the rest – a very, very large cut. Yet, despite the widespread acknowledgement of his value, almost no one was bold enough to praise Levi to his face.

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