Housewarming (Levi x Reader x Erwin)

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! Here I am, breaking my commitment to only update "Love Story" again. However, I really wanted to write this oneshot now for a couple reasons:

1) One of my favorite fanfics ever, "This Is a Story of the Sea" by shinzouing on AO3 just wrapped up, and I needed to fill the void. So, I made my own AU where Erwin lives, and he, Levi, and Reader-chan get to enjoy all the lovey-dovey fluff together.

2) Life is still super rough right now, and writing helps me cope.

So, here you go! I know we all love Levi, but I hope you don't mind me adding Erwin into the mix. Additionally, please be advised that this story contains spoilers for the end of the manga. It also includes some sauciness. Gomen. ;)

"Hi, love!" you chimed as you stepped inside the familiar hospital room, immediately making your way over to where Levi was propped up in bed.

You were glad to see he was looking better today – was looking better every day – considering the injuries he'd sustained during the war. At first, the damage from the explosion and the titan crushing his leg had made you fearful that he wouldn't survive. Yet, he pulled through, and after being in the hospital for nearly a month, the doctors were confident he could be discharged next week. Unfortunately, his knee was so ravaged that he'd need a wheelchair for the rest of his life, but Levi seemed to be taking it rather well, all things considered. And of course, you and Erwin would always be by his side to support him.

"Hey," Levi muttered, setting his book aside just before you reached him, making himself fully available to receive the loving kiss you placed upon his lips.

"How are you feeling, Levi?" Erwin asked as he shut the door behind himself.

You pulled back, taking a second just to look at Levi's face. The bandages and stitches had come off after the first week, and the cuts were healing nicely. They would still leave scars, but such things made no difference to you. Levi was beautiful either way.

He gazed back at you softly while answering Erwin, "Same as yesterday, I suppose. Not much to report."

You stepped away from Levi and busied yourself with pulling up a chair, leaving room for Erwin to have his turn. They made a gorgeous pair – you'd always thought – like day and night coming together. You thought the same now, watching as Erwin leaned down to kiss Levi, and Levi tilted up to meet him. And the way they looked at each was the same way they both looked at you. Like they could never get enough.

You dragged your chair to the left side of Levi's bed – Erwin doing the same on Levi's right. It had become a familiar arrangement, since you two visited Levi so often. In fact, if you'd been allowed, you both probably would've slept on the floor in order to stay with him at all times. However, the hospital was strict about visiting hours, and the nurses shooed you out promptly at dusk every night.

Thus, you and Erwin had taken advantage of the Azumabitos' hospitality – staying at the Hizuru embassy while you tried to get your footing in this foreign land. At the start, all your friends who'd survived the final battle had been staying there too (with the exception of Mikasa, who'd chosen to return to Paradis). However, recently, many of them had found their own homes in town, and they were getting started with their new lives.

You and Erwin had been hoping to find a home for yourselves and Levi by the time the captain was discharged from the hospital. The embassy wasn't exactly well-suited to accommodate his new needs, and more than that, you three simply wanted a place to call your own. However, that task had proved to be more complicated than you'd originally expected.

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