Human Rights (Omega Levi x Alpha Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! This story is similar to one I wrote in my first book, but I wanted to put a human-rights spin on it. Oddly enough, I started writing this before all the crap with the U.S. Supreme Court went down, so the timeliness is pure coincidence. 

Also, in contrast to my other omegaverse stories, this one doesn't have any steaminess. (Just thought I'd let you know.) Anyway, hope you enjoy!

This was, without a doubt, the craziest day of your life.

One minute, you were minding your own business, reading fanfics on your phone like normal. And the next minute, bam! You somehow tripped your way right into the world of Attack on Titan (your phone having disappeared in the process).

You arrived in the middle of what you guessed was the Scouts' mess hall, nearly smacking your face on the stone floor before you quickly got to your feet, only to find hundreds of shocked faces staring at you. Thankfully, Erwin and his section commanders bought your hastily sputtered story about arriving from another universe, and once you were no longer in danger of torture or execution, you were actually kind of excited to be here. Sure, the possibility of getting eaten alive wasn't great, but that aside, this was one of your favorite anime. And anyway, you knew the plot like the back of your hand. You wouldn't have any trouble navigating this world, you were certain.

Or at least, you were certain – until Levi entered the scene. You'd been expecting him to treat you coldly at first, if not with outright hostility. Yet, instead, his body went completely still while he stared at you with wide eyes, silent for so long that you started to squirm uncomfortably. Then, in a hushed, disbelieving whisper, he stated that you were his alpha mate.

Immediately, your heart had stopped, and your mind began to race. You realized that somehow, you'd fallen into a different version of the story than the one you were used to – an omegaverse version. And that meant things were likely to get very, very weird.

The Scouts around you had immediately started celebrating, congratulating you both for finding each other. Someone even suggested using corps funds to throw a party, complete with meat and alcohol, which added even more energy to the already-buzzing crowd. The only people not bursting with glee were you, Levi, and Erwin – who was regarding you with a pensive stare.

The commander exchanged a glance with Hanji, who calmed at once. Then he turned to you and stated solemnly, "I think the four of us need to speak in private."

That was how you'd ended up here, standing in Erwin's office with the commander himself in front of you, Hanji at his side, and Levi leaning irreverently against the wall – arms folded, eyes cast away from you. He hadn't spoken a word since he'd made the revelation that you two were mates, and he seemed to be purposefully keeping his distance from you. You found this behavior perplexing, given that mates felt an almost irresistible desire to be together in all the omegaverse stories you'd read. However, you weren't about to broach the subject – not when your mind was still reeling from everything that had happened today.

Erwin cleared his throat, folding his hands behind his back. "I'll get straight to the point," he stated. "Now that you and Levi have been revealed to be mates, we want to know what your intentions are regarding him."

"My i-intentions? You with, um...stuff?" you sputtered, cheeks flaring red as your mind went to the one thing that always happened between mates in the omegaverse. Not that you didn't want to engage in certain...activities with Levi, but...this was all happening so fast. On top of that, you felt more than a little self-conscious when your eyes involuntarily flicked to the captain leaning against the wall, to his godlike body that put all others to shame.

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