In the Moment (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! Please be advised that this story contains some uncomfortable touching. It is based off something that happened to me a few days ago, and writing this out helped me process. I decided to share it, just in case it can help someone else, too.

Edit: I probably should've said this earlier, but I'm okay. Thanks to everyone who checked in on me! I love you all!

Wanting to take advantage of the lovely weather that had come with the beginning of autumn, you and a few of your fellow soldiers decided to spend your free evening exploring the market in town. All of you were dressed in casual clothing – and for you, that meant pants, boots, and a cozy sweater. After browsing for about an hour, your group found its way to a food stand, eager to enjoy something that wasn't your typical mess-hall fare.

Naturally, there was a line. You ended up standing at the back of your group, with Levi at your side, looking at the menu board set above the stand while you waited for your turn. Of course, there wasn't any meat, because such things were too expensive to be sold casually at a Wall Rose market. The soup looked like it might be good, but which kind did you want? You started debating the merits of each, ruling out lentil because it was served too often in the mess hall – when a hand pressed between your legs.

You screamed. In an instant, you had jumped away, whirling around, only to find...a child. A boy about as tall as your hip, who was holding onto his mother with one hand, having used the other to touch you in the worst possible way.

"Don't do that!" you yelled on instinct.

Your mind was reeling – your body thrown into fight-or-flight the instant you sensed the violating contact. It would have been considered sexual assault, but the kid was probably only eight or ten years old. Did he know what he'd done? Even if he did, you couldn't exactly do anything about it. The police wouldn't bother, and any yelling or physical retaliation on your part would only be frowned upon, because you were supposed to be the adult. Everyone would say you were overreacting. Were you overreacting?

The mother was hastily uttering, "Sorry, sorry," but in your flustered state, you couldn't even begin to ascertain whether she was sincere. In fact, you couldn't even bring yourself to look at her – or anyone. Yet, somehow, you realized your outburst had attracted the attention of everyone around you. They were all staring...

"Oh my God..." you gasped, feeling more overwhelmed by the second. You couldn't stay here. You needed to leave.

You turned on your heel and walked away as quickly as you could – without a destination in mind, only the driving need to get out. Vaguely, you heard Levi yelling at the mother, but you couldn't truly process it. Suddenly, the crowd felt suffocating.

You tried to keep a neutral expression as you walked, not wanting to attract any more attention than you already had. Yet, some things slipped through the cracks – a slight quiver of your bottom lip, the tears that pricked your eyes. You told yourself that no one noticed, that no one was looking at you. And you hoped you were right.

By the time Levi finished his tongue-lashing – which was severe enough to make even veteran soldiers cower – he could just barely pick out the back of your head in the crowd. The rest of your comrades gave him concerned glances, wondering what had happened while their backs were turned, and whether they should go after you. However, Levi shook his head.

"I've got her. Don't wait for us," he instructed them before moving to catch up with you.

It took a minute for Levi to push his way through the sea of bodies, but soon enough, he was falling into step at your side. He didn't say anything, somehow understanding that you couldn't talk right now. You were trying so hard to hold back your tears, because you didn't want to cry in front of all these strangers. Or anyone. Even Levi...

Levi x Reader Oneshots 2Where stories live. Discover now