After the Party (Levi x Dom Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello, my lovelies! This is a sequel to the last story, and this time, Levi does indeed get dommed. ;) As with all my other stories, it's not explicit, but there's enough for you to use your imagination. It's more focused on the wholesome aspects and Levi's feelings than anything spicy. Hope you enjoy!

Tonight, she had him tied to the bedpost, arms resting above his head, wrists wrapped in silk. His eyes were also blindfolded by the same, soft material, preventing him from seeing what she was doing. He could only listen, and feel, and take whatever she gave him – and that was exactly how he wanted it.

Somehow, she knew what he needed without having to be told.

It had been a gradual domino effect that led Levi here – to the point where he was taken apart every other Saturday night by a former dominatrix who now only used her talents on him – beginning with a chance encounter with his childhood friend several months ago, at some aristocrat's secret sex party which Levi hadn't even wanted to attend in the first place.


The morning after the party, Levi awoke slowly, wrapped in a cocoon of softness and warmth he never wanted to leave. Floating in that blissful space between consciousness and unconsciousness, he cracked his eyelids open, and for a moment, all he could see was the brightness filtering in through the curtains. But gradually, the world came into focus, and he recognized the detailed paper on the walls. The plush, canopied bed. And (f/n), still sleeping peacefully in his arms.

He smiled at her, savoring her pleasant aroma and the warmth of her skin against his own. In his bleary, half-asleep state, his mind flashed for a split second to a different reality – a happier, peaceful one, where he could wake up like this not just one day, but every day. Where he was not needed as a soldier, and instead lived as an ordinary man – his heart not sacrificed for the good of humanity, but devoted only to the person in his arms.

However, that second passed quickly, and then he remembered with acute clarity why he shouldn't be imagining such things in the first place. Wishing for what he could never have would only hurt him in the end. Besides, (f/n) wasn't his wife or his lover – only a friend he hadn't seen in years before last night.

Yet, even as friends, he couldn't deny resting in the embrace of someone who cared for him felt nice. He even allowed himself to stay there, enjoying the moment for as long as it would endure. He couldn't remember the last time someone had held him, nor the last time he'd felt comfortable being so vulnerable with another person. The sensation was strange, but...he liked it.

When she eventually woke up – yawning adorably, then greeting him with a bleary smile – he asked if she'd ever want to live on the surface.

She gave him a look that was half amused and half perplexed. "There's not really a point in thinking about it, is there? It's impossible."

"Indulge me?" Levi requested softly, his gaze sincere as it held her own.

Her brow furrowed. She couldn't understand why he bothered asking, but she responded anyway, in a tentative voice, "Well...I can't say for sure, but...I've heard it's nicer, living up here. And you seem to be doing okay, so...yeah. Maybe."

"Would you want a different job?" he continued. He had to be certain, before he started meddling in her life. It wouldn't be right for him to interfere if she truly wanted to remain in her current situation.

She raised an eyebrow at him, as if he might be intentionally asking her outlandish questions, like a silly child. But when his serious expression didn't change, she replied, " be honest, I don't know. This is all I've ever done, and I'm not sure I have the skills to do anything else. But...I think it would be nice if I didn't have to rely on gross, rich guys for money. Maybe I could be a – what's it called – a farm hand?"

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