Sweater Weather (Levi x Reader)

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It was the first cold morning of the season. After waking up and shivering your way into a warm sweater, you'd tiptoed out into the kitchen. Now, you were curled up on the couch with a mug of hot tea, looking through the window at the quiet, peaceful landscape outside.

You'd only been sitting there for a few minutes when Levi wandered out of the bedroom, wearing a soft, white turtleneck that was just a smidge too big. As he stepped past the couch, he reached over the back to brush his fingertips across your shoulders in a silent greeting. Then he continued into the kitchen, and you watched while he poured himself a cup of tea from the kettle you'd left there for him.

"Bundled up this morning?" you asked with a smile, recognizing the birthday present you'd given him last winter.

"Yeah," he grunted. "First time all year I've been able to wear this sweater you got me."

"Mmm, I'm glad you like it," you hummed.

Levi set the kettle aside and glanced up at you – eyes soft, with a small, precious smile tugging at his lips. You loved when he smiled. You hadn't seen it at all for the first year or so that you'd known him – no one did, because he kept his emotions under lock and key – but once you two had started to grow close, he'd become more comfortable around you, and you adored that. He'd also become happier.

He brought his mug of tea and sat next to you on the couch, close enough that his leg pressed against yours. You recognized the subtle signal, so you slid an arm around his waist, and he eagerly leaned into you. Together, the two of you sipped your tea, enjoying each other's warmth and the companionable silence.

Once you both were finished, you set your empty mugs on the coffee table and cuddled close. His sweater felt so soft against your skin, and you couldn't resist rubbing your cheek against it or petting the fabric of his sleeve with your fingers. You really had done a great job picking it out.

Your actions didn't go unnoticed by Levi. "Tch," he chided, though there was no bite in his tone. "If you like this sweater so much, you should just wear it yourself."

"No," you murmured, smiling. "It's better to snuggle when it's on you."

Levi clicked his tongue. "Creep."

You giggled, knowing he didn't mean it, before changing the subject. "So...since we have the entire day off, what do you want to do?"

"Nothing," he replied in his typical, flat tone.

You raised an eyebrow. "Nothing?" you questioned, smirking playfully.

"Mmm," he confirmed. "I just want to stay in here with you."

Your heart melted, and you hugged him tighter. "That's a great idea," you murmured. "We can stay here and cuddle all day."

Levi hummed contentedly, and your conversation faded into silence. The only sound was that of your soft breaths, rising and falling in tandem as you snuggled and enjoyed each other's company. While many people viewed Levi's petite frame as odd for a man, you thought his body was perfect – and it fit perfectly into yours, tucked against you like a puzzle piece you'd been missing for your entire life.

You closed your eyes and melted into him – savoring how warm he felt, how small yet strong, how good he smelled, the small movement of his chest as he breathed, the soft sound of his heartbeat. Everything about him filled you with sensations of comfort and safety and home. And while you were glad to experience this moment of absolute peace with him, you were even more pleased that he was getting to experience it.

"You know," Levi commented – his deep, soft voice breaking the silence, "it really is quiet without all the brats around. After spending so much time with them, I almost forgot what quiet sounded like."

You giggled. "Well, if you want, I'm sure we can go find some brats to let loose around the house," you suggested playfully.

He gave a soft "tch" and rolled his eyes, though there was a fondness in the gesture. "No, thanks. We'll have to deal with them again soon, anyway. I'd rather just enjoy the peace and quiet while I can."

"Fair enough," you conceded, still smiling. Some people might hear his words and think he didn't like the kids, but you knew the truth. Behind his stoic façade, he cared deeply for each of them.

Once more, you and Levi drifted into an easy silence. Most people probably would've found it boring to just sit there – and with anyone else, it might've been. But when you sat with Levi, the person you loved most in the whole world, something wonderful happened.

The fact that he was willing to spend quality time with you amid his busy schedule made you feel important. His warm hugs and gentle caresses made you feel adored. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat made you feel calm and safe. Cuddling with him in complete silence was affirming in more ways than one – and something you both needed in order to combat the agony and despair caused by too many battles.

But none of those traumas could touch you here, in this quiet little house, while you nestled into Levi's warm sweater and closed your eyes. 

Levi x Reader Oneshots 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang