Bloodstone (Levi x Reader Classic Monster AU)

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Happy almost-Halloween, my lovely monsters! In celebration of the best holiday, here's a story inspired by Marvel's "Werewolf by Night". (10/10 would recommend if you haven't seen it yet.)

"What the hell is going on?" Levi hissed, keeping his voice low so the hunters wouldn't hear him. "I thought you were coming here to steal the Bloodstone!"

"Yeah, well...that didn't exactly work out as planned!" you snapped back. "The crazy hag must've guessed someone would try it. She set a trap."

Levi uttered a curse, then grabbed your arm. "Come on – we're getting out of here."

"No!" you insisted. "We can't leave without the Bloodstone!"

"And how are we supposed to get it with all this shit going on?" He swept his hand toward the bushes, toward the melee on the other side of them. "Even if we made it out of the garden in one piece, we'd still have to get back into the castle, and as you've discovered, Hanji has that place locked down."

You sighed, then looked your lover in the eye. "Levi, you'll have to give them what they want."


Two hours earlier...

When Levi entered the chamber, four others were already present. They'd spaced themselves out as much as possible, standing or sitting with several meters between them. No one spoke a word – not that he expected them to be chummy. None of them were here to make friends.

Within the span of a second, Levi took their measure.

The closest was a tall, muscular man dressed in shades of dark green and brown. His blonde hair was pulled into a bun at the back of his head, his expression serious as he stood with his arms crossed near a bust of some old, long-dead hunter. Twin axes were strapped to his back, and two smaller ones stuck out of his belt. Likely, he spent most of his time in the depths of remote forests.

Three meters away, the next man also stood with his arms crossed, and like the first, he was tall and muscular. His brown hair was cropped short, his skin tanned by the sun. He was dressed in shades of deep blue and had a trident strapped to his back – a specialist in water monsters, then.

The final man lounged in one of the armchairs, a smug smirk permanently etched into his rectangular face. He wore a ridiculous, plum-colored Victorian suit and white cravat. Guns of varying sizes lay on the coffee table in front of him. He must've removed them to make sitting more comfortable.

The only woman among them was also seated, propped up sideways in another armchair. Her orange hair was cut short around her chin, and like Levi, she was dressed head-to-toe in black. A bow and quiver of arrows rested against her shoulder.

Levi could feel their eyes on him, though he pretended not to notice as he slowly made his way around the room, examining the multitude of weapons, trophies, and strange objects arrayed along the dark stone walls. It was a fitting collection for someone who'd been hailed as the strongest of hunters. But not even all these extraordinary relics could save Smith from camazotz venom, in the end.

When Levi reached the mounted head of a kerit, he paused, studying the subtle patterns in its fur. He'd encountered this monster once. It had quite a reputation and had felled many hunters. Apparently, Smith had been the one to finally bring it down.

"Impressed?" drawled a voice at his side.

Levi had noticed the other hunter approaching, of course. It was difficult not to notice the plum-colored suit. However, Levi didn't spare the man a glance, instead keeping his eyes on the lifeless ones of the kerit.

Levi x Reader Oneshots 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora