Reading (Levi x Upset Reader)

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You heard his soft footsteps against the library floor before you saw him. You wished you didn't – wished you were too focused on the book in your hands to notice anything else. But you hadn't yet shifted into that wonderful place where only the world written in black ink existed. It was taking longer than normal. Much longer. Too long.

You looked up when he stopped next to the couch where you were seated, feet propped on the cushion so you could rest your book against your thighs. "Tch. Still reading at this hour?" Levi grumbled.

Your eyes drifted back to the book in your lap. "...It's the only thing that helps," you admitted quietly.

He sighed, the sound drained and almost sad – as if he regretted that you'd been pushed to this point. "Then I'll leave you to it," he uttered, turning to go.

Before you could think about it, your hand shot out to grab his wrist. "Stay?" you whispered, meeting his gaze tentatively. You knew you weren't unwelcome, but you were still apprehensive about putting yourself out there, when your heart was already hurting too much. "Please."

Levi's soft, grey eyes flicked to where you were holding onto him. Then gently, he used his free hand to detach your fingers – only to cradle them in his palm, his thumb brushing slow, soothing strokes across your knuckles. "Yeah," he murmured. "Okay."

You weren't able to smile – not now, not really – but your lips quirked a little. "I mean, you don't have to just sit here and be bored," you amended. "Grab a book. Read with me."

"If you insist," he agreed, giving your hand a gentle squeeze before letting go. Then, to your surprise, he walked straight to the nearest shelf and grabbed the first book he saw without even reading the title. Yet, when you thought about it, you realized you shouldn't have been surprised at all. He had a tendency to ignore his own wants and needs in favor of your own.

"Hey," you pouted while he took the five steps back to the couch. "You should at least get something you're interested in."

"Tch," he scoffed. "What does it matter? It's something to read."

"It matters to me," you grumbled. "I don't want you to be bored."

Levi pursed his lips. "My entertainment isn't the point here," he stated, not unkindly.

Yet, you wouldn't budge. While you knew his goal was to comfort and support you, you hated the thought of inconveniencing him even a little. "Please," you murmured, holding his gaze.

He sighed. Then, adoringly, he reached out to run his fingers through your hair. "Fine," he acquiesced, his hand pausing to caress your cheek before pulling away. "Be right back."

You didn't bother trying to read while you waited for him to browse the shelves. Instead, you merely leaned into the couch, listening to the crackling fireplace, feeling its warmth on your sock-covered toes. It would've been nice, you decided, if you weren't teetering on an edge – one thought away from shattering.

Levi wasn't gone long. You suspected he still prioritized finding a book quickly over finding something he was actually interested in – he truly was so much more selfless and caring than people gave him credit for. Yet, he had put at least some effort into the choice, so you didn't complain.

Quietly, he sat on the couch next to you, close enough for your shoulders to touch, wordlessly conveying his support. On instinct, you leaned into his warmth, his strength, taking immense comfort from that small point of contact. It may not have made the bad things go away entirely, but it helped to feel you weren't alone.

Levi's eyes met yours, stayed. For everyone else, those eyes were closed-off, cold, intimidating. But for you, they were soft, silently expressing all he felt for you, all he couldn't say out loud.

Grateful, you gave him another almost-smile – signaling you were content, if not entirely okay. Levi nodded once in return, understanding. And with that, you both shifted your attention to the books in your laps, reading quietly, together.

The only sounds were the continued yet ever-changing crackle of the fireplace, the occasional creak of the castle, and your soft breaths – falling into sync with one another. But after a time, you stopped noticing those sounds, even as your body was still subconsciously comforted by them. At last, you'd melted into the world between pages, living there, as if your old world and its troubles had never existed in the first place.

Although, the hero of the story did seem oddly familiar – with his deep voice and sharp, mercury eyes.

Hours later, you fell asleep without realizing it, utterly exhausted from the emotional whirlwind of the day. Levi noticed when you slumped against him, and he looked up from his book, pausing when his eyes found your relaxed expression. For just a moment, he watched you while you slept – glad you'd finally calmed enough to rest, and content you could do so with him by your side.

Levi loosed an inaudible sigh, setting his book aside before gently lifting you in his arms, careful not to wake you. He carried you to your bedroom and laid your top half on the bed – only putting your feet up after he removed your shoes. Then he covered you with a blanket before taking a moment to observe your sleeping form, making sure you'd be comfortable and secure.

He left your book atop your bedside table – the page you'd stopped at diligently marked – knowing you'd want to finish it after you woke up.


Weeks later, Levi stopped you in the hallway after training. You'd been trying to pretend everything was fine, hoping no one would notice. But of course, he saw right through you.

"Oi," he muttered, pulling you to the side so passing soldiers wouldn't overhear. "Bad day again?"

Your eyes flicked to the floor. A few seconds later, you gave a small nod.

Levi sighed. "Alright, come with me," he instructed.

He didn't give you a chance to refuse as his fingers closed gently but firmly around your wrist, and he led you through the hallways until you two arrived at his office. He took you straight to the couch, making you sit down before he finally let you go. He then walked to the shelf on the wall, and a few seconds later, he plopped a book into your lap.

You looked up at him, simultaneously stunned and touched by his thoughtfulness.

"Read," he murmured before stepping behind his desk. He lowered himself into his chair, his soft eyes never leaving yours. "I'll be right here doing paperwork."

You blinked, needing a moment to get over your surprise, before your lips curled into a small, grateful smile. Then you turned your attention to the book in your lap, briefly noticing he'd picked a popular high-fantasy novel – a magical world which you could use to escape your current one. The ache in your heart eased just a smidge as you opened the cover.

As was becoming the norm on these bad days, you had trouble convincing your mind to focus on the words instead of drifting back to your problems. But you kept trying, and with the scratch of Levi's pen and the soft sound of his breath in the background – reminders that he was right here, supporting and loving you – you eventually succeeded in shifting to that alternate reality. You became the heroine of your tale, defeating the monsters and living happily ever after. 

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