Womb (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! Just an FYI, you're getting this short (kinda saucy) story today, and you'll get a Halloween-themed story tomorrow. Enjoy!

You lay in bed, practically melting into the cozy mattress, the soft pillow, the warm sheets – just on the other side of sleep. Of course, it helped that Levi was curled up beside you, against you, his arm wrapped gently around your waist. You were filled with a sense of perfect safety with those strong muscles cocooning you, and a sense of being perfectly loved and wanted with his breath caressing your skin.

Idly, almost as if Levi didn't realize he was doing it, his fingers began rubbing small, gentle circles just below your stomach. Your mind flashed back to earlier, when he'd been on his knees before you, trailing kisses across that same spot with the reverence of one worshiping a goddess. On instinct, you relaxed into the touch, your body not just welcoming but also wanting Levi in your most intimate and vulnerable places, recognizing him as a part of you.

You hummed, a sleepy smile tugging at your lips. "Do you want something?" you mumbled. Although you were exhausted, you were willing to go again if Levi needed it.

"No," he replied, his voice made exquisitely gravelly by his own fatigue. "I just..." He paused, and his hand stilled. "Is this okay? Do you want me to stop?"

"No, sweetheart, it's okay," you murmured lovingly. "It feels nice."

You felt his warm, quiet sigh of relief against your skin, and then his fingers resumed their motion.

After a moment of enjoying the sensation, you questioned, "Were you going to say something? Before you asked if this was okay?"

Levi didn't respond right away, instead meeting your question with silence. Yet, you didn't push. You knew after a lifetime of bottling up his thoughts and feelings, keeping everyone at arm's length, it was sometimes difficult for him to verbalize what was going on in his head. But that didn't mean he didn't want to share it with you. If that were the case, he would tell you outright. Either way, you knew he wouldn't flat-out ignore you, so you waited patiently until he was ready to talk.

"Please don't take this the wrong way," he murmured at last. "I know we said we didn't want to have kids, and I still don't. I just...when I think about your womb, or how it feels to be i-inside you, I...I'm in awe. It's amazing that your body has the ability to create life. It feels...like something sacred. And...I like it." He paused, swallowing nervously before adding, "That sounded weird, didn't it?"

You smiled, then laid your hand atop his wrist, reassuring him, showing you wanted him there. "I don't think it's weird," you told him. "Honestly, I'm glad to hear you like my body so much."

His muscles had been tense – worried about how he'd be received – but at your words, he relaxed into you, his anxieties quieted. "Well...that's good," he muttered awkwardly, obviously unsure of what else to say.

You chuckled softly. "So, um..." you began, feeling a bit of heat rush to your cheeks as you spoke, "does this mean you have a breeding kink, or something?"

Levi choked. "A...what?" he gasped, sounding incredibly flustered. "I...you mean, t-those exist?"

You chuckled again while patting his hand reassuringly. "They do indeed. But don't worry about it now, love. Just relax and go to sleep." And we'll explore your potential kink later, you added in your head.

He loosed a breath, calming himself, then snuggled even closer to you. "Fine. Goodnight."

"Sweet dreams," you replied before closing your eyes, letting yourself drift off. With how cozy you felt, and with Levi's fingers still rubbing gentle circles into your abdomen, it didn't take long before you slipped into slumber, perfectly content. 

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