Between Sleeping and Waking (Levi x Reader)

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You awoke in the middle of the night to the sensation of the mattress shifting beneath you. A moment later, a muscled arm wrapped loosely around your waist, and a strong body settled in at your back.

Your lips quirked upward in a sleepy smile.

"Thanks for coming," you whispered.

"Tch," he murmured quietly from behind you, his breath warming your nape as his soft lips brushed the sensitive skin. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's alright," you told him honestly. "I'm happy you're here to hold me."

He pressed a kiss to your neck – gentle and chaste. "You doing okay?"


He said nothing else, just wrapped his arm a little tighter around you. Meanwhile, you were content to let silence fall, to simply allow him to hold you. You breathed an inaudible sigh, melting into your comfortable surroundings. The soft mattress beneath you, the blankets tucked around, and the lover at your back all formed a cocoon around your frame, lulling you toward blissful oblivion, and you had no will to resist.

Today had been...well, you didn't want to think about it. Such things didn't belong here, in this space of softness and warmth, in the pleasant fuzziness just on the other side of sleep. In fact, you wanted to sink so deeply into this moment that everything outside it would cease to exist. There was only here, and now.

And Levi. Levi – who had come to be with you as soon as he was able. Just knowing he cared about you warmed your heart, but feeling that care wrapped protectively and lovingly around your body was nothing short of perfect.

His breath brushed lightly across your nape in soft puffs, letting you know that you would never be abandoned. His chest pressed against your back, rising and falling into rhythm with your own, until the two of you were breathing as one – unified and grounded in each other. You knew of the godlike power within the arm wrapped around you, and yet, those muscles held you gently, imbuing you with a sense of safety and the promise of their protection.

There was no need to think, no need to worry. It was so easy to let go completely, to return to the world of blissful slumber. You wouldn't have any nightmares – or any dreams at all. Your body and mind would finally get the rest they required.

The last thing you were aware of was the pad of his thumb, brushing slow, soothing arches across your skin.

Levi held you all night long.

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