Five Love Languages - From Him (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! Apologies for being late, but here is the reverse version of "Five Love Languages" I promised. As with the last one, this has a bit of sauciness, but nothing too crazy. Hope you enjoy!

Quality Time

As one would expect, Humanity's Strongest Soldier was a very busy man. Most of it came with the role of captain – attending strategy meetings, training his squad, mountains of paperwork. And then there were the brainstorming sessions and trips to the interior with Erwin, because he was the commander's trusted right-hand man. And then there were the additional training sessions he placed upon himself, because every little bit could help save his comrades' lives.

Yet, even with such an impossibly heavy schedule, he somehow managed to make time for you. You often marveled at it, often asked if he wasn't putting too much on himself, and then asked again. After all, Humanity's Strongest had been under constant pressure to hide any weakness or fatigue for years, so admitting he was overworked didn't come naturally to him. But no matter how many times you asked, his answer was always the same.

"Tch," he'd respond in his typical, blunt way. "It's not too much trouble. You're important to me, so I want to spend as much time with you as I can. 'Bout the only non-shitty thing I get to do all day, anyway."

Despite the roughness of his words, there was a lot of meaning behind them. See, the captain was sticking true to his core philosophy – trying to live with no regrets. Scouts never knew when their time would be up, and the untimely death of one or both of you was almost certain. Losing you would destroy him, but it would be even worse if he had to look back and wish he'd spent more time with you when he had the chance. That in mind, he made you a priority, including you in his schedule as much as possible.

It wasn't always a lot of time – usually only a few minutes per day. During meals, he'd sit next to you in the mess hall. On the way back from missions, after everyone was safely inside the Walls, he'd find you in the crowd and ride alongside you. Whenever he got a break, he'd track you down to see if you had ten minutes for a cup of tea.

On the rare occasion that both of you had an entire evening free, he would take you out on a date – something simple, yet special in its own way. A quiet dinner, a walk through the park, a visit to the bookstore. Crowded and raucous locations were generally avoided, leaving more opportunity for the two of you to bond, whether you engaged in deep conversations or silently enjoyed each other's company.

"I...wish I could do this for you more," he admitted sadly after one such outing. "You deserve to be taken out on dates. Shown a good time."

"Hush," you murmured, stroking your knuckles across his cheek, cupping it in your palm. "You don't have to worry about that. I know you're doing everything you can, and it means the world to me. Really. What we have right now is enough."

His expression softened, tired eyes gazing back at you gratefully. Then those eyes fluttered closed, and he rubbed his cheek into your hand, welcoming and cherishing the contact. "I love you," he whispered. And after all the time he'd devoted to you, you had no doubt he meant it.

A smile graced your lips. "I love you too, Levi."

Words of Affirmation

Anyone who had ever gone near Captain Levi could testify he was a man of few words. He had his reasons, of course – most of which stemmed from his years in the Underground City – though it wasn't as if he shared that detail with anyone. No, they merely saw that Humanity's Strongest didn't engage in conversation, responded to questions with a scoff or a sharp comment, and only rarely complimented his comrades.

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