Slow Adjustment (Levi x Chiropractor Reader)

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Levi clicked his tongue as he sat in the otherwise-empty waiting room, arms and legs crossed, eyes narrowed. There were about a thousand other things he could've been doing right now, such as addressing the mound of paperwork on his desk, or cleaning his room – things that actually needed to be done. Yet, instead, he'd been forced to come here.

Stupid Four-eyes, he thought – not for the first time today – as he recalled how Hanji had made a big deal out of his physical stiffness in front of Erwin. The commander had subsequently ordered that Levi go see a chiropractor at the military hospital, ignoring Levi's repeated insistence that he was fine.

"And if you don't, I'll know," Erwin had stated, a hint of warning in his tone as his blue eyes locked on Levi's.

So, here he was, wasting his time in this waiting room, visibly seething anger, and trying not to think about the apprehension roiling underneath. Being touched always felt like a violation, especially by strangers whose standards of cleanliness he could only guess at. Additionally, he knew one wrong move from the chiropractor – intentional or otherwise – could seriously mess him up.

"Captain Levi?"

He glanced up, his gaze landing on the woman standing in the doorway, instinctively assessing her. By this point in his life, he had gotten pretty good at reading people, and it only took him a second to decide she wasn't a threat. Not only did she lack the physical strength to overpower him, but the look in her eyes was warm and genuine. She had no intention of harming him.

That didn't make him any less apprehensive about what would come next.


You tried not to gawk at the soldier sitting in the waiting room. Like everyone else in the Walls, you were awed by Captain Levi's strength and skill, by the stories of him single-handedly eliminating hordes of titans. Not only that, but the man in front of you was drop-dead gorgeous. Everything about him – from his piercing grey eyes to his porcelain skin to the muscles gently stretching the fabric of his uniform – made your heart race a little faster.

Yet, you shoved down on all those feelings, determined to remain professional. Despite his fame and superhuman abilities, Captain Levi was still a person, and he was here for your help. You didn't want to make him uncomfortable by ogling him.

"I'm Doctor (l/n). I'll be taking care of you today," you stated, giving him a warm smile. "Please, follow me."

The captain scowled as he stood up, and you got the impression that he didn't want to be here. Then again, maybe he was just anxious about receiving chiropractic treatment – which was common for new patients. Many people didn't like the idea of their body popping and cracking, even though the adjustments were usually painless.

You led Captain Levi into the examination room, shutting the door before moving to sit in your swivel chair. Meanwhile, the captain stood awkwardly against one of the walls, his eyes scanning the space. You knew such detailed observation was a common habit for soldiers – especially those who'd experienced real combat – so you didn't comment, instead taking it in stride.

"You can sit here, if you like," you stated invitingly, gesturing to the massage table in the center of the small room.

After giving the space a final, sweeping glance, Captain Levi sat irreverently on the edge of the table, crossing his arms and legs as he'd done in the waiting room. His narrowed eyes locked on you, and you couldn't help but find his gaze intimidating. You definitely did not want to get on his bad side.

You smiled again, trying to add a bit of friendliness to the atmosphere as you pulled out your clipboard. "Alright, Captain, what brings you here today?"

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