Birthday Trip (Birthday Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Happy birthday to our favorite tea-loving, cleaning-fairy captain, Levi! Here's a story I wrote to celebrate this glorious occasion, but please be advised, it does contain spoilers for the end of the manga.

"Are you sure about this?" Levi asked as you two stood in front of the resort, your suitcases at your feet.

"Of course," you replied. "Kyomi said Hizuru is famous for these types of places – and this is supposed to be one of the best."

By "these types of places", you meant what Hizuru called a "ryokan" – a traditional inn featuring "onsen", or "hot springs". You and Levi had never experienced anything like it, but Kyomi had suggested one after she heard about your desire to find something new to do for Levi's birthday this year. She'd even helped you get a reservation.

After learning more about the resort, you thought Levi would enjoy it. He typically didn't want to make a fuss on his birthday – no big events or large gatherings – and the ryokan's private rooms seemed perfect for relaxing in peace and quiet. Moreover, onsen were said to "purify the body and soul", which catered to Levi's desire for cleanliness.

Speaking of... "Well, as long as it's clean, I suppose it'll be fine," Levi muttered, studying the structure with his one working eye.

"That's the spirit! Here, I'll get the suitcases," you chimed, already bending down to lift both yours and his.

"Tch," Levi clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "I can carry my own just fine. You don't have to do everything for me."

"But I want to spoil you. This is your birthday trip, after all," you told him.

You had another reason for wanting to carry his things, though you didn't voice it, knowing it would wound Levi's pride. He'd recently progressed from being wheelchair-bound to walking with a cane, and while he technically had one hand free to hold his suitcase, the extra weight would've been a burden to him while he walked. You knew he could've succeeded in hauling it up the handful of steps and into the building – Levi had proven himself capable of seemingly impossible physical feats more times than you could count – but you didn't want him to have to struggle.

You carried the suitcases into the lobby, with Levi following right behind you. It was a beautiful space – lots of polished wood and a crackling fireplace surrounded by pillows to sit on. Remembering Kyomi's instructions on etiquette, you and Levi removed your shoes and stepped into the slippers the staff brought out to you before they took your luggage. After checking in, you two shuffled arm-in-arm to your private room.

It was everything you'd hoped for. Like the lobby, it was made mostly of wood, but while the architecture looked traditional, it had all the modern conveniences. A set of sliding doors opened onto a railed balcony, which housed your private onsen, as well as a spectacular view of the snowy mountains and trees surrounding the ryokan.

You were also pleased to see the accommodations you'd requested. Instead of traditional tatami mats for sleeping, there was a large, western-style bed. Instead of pillows to kneel on while you were eating meals, a small table and two chairs had been provided. Levi's injured leg often gave him trouble when going down to the floor and getting up again, so these adjustments would make his stay much easier.

Two robes – or "yukata", as Kyomi had informed you – had been laid out on the bed. Levi's was a deep green that reminded you of Christmas, while yours was a rich purple. Immediately after getting settled, you began helping your husband into his, unable to resist the opportunity to dote on him.

"Tch. I can change my own clothes, you know," he complained even as his body went limp, allowing you to slide his white button-up off his shoulders.

"Mmm, I know," you hummed, letting your fingertips linger on the solid ridges of his muscles. "But this gives me an excuse to touch you."

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