Valentine (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Surprise! I've got another Valentine's Day story for you! This one is just fluff, and it has no spoilers, so anyone can read it. Enjoy!

It was Valentine's Day, and even the typically solemn halls of Scout Regiment Headquarters were humming with excitement. Already, you'd seen dozens of cards and gifts exchanged over breakfast. You'd even received a flower yourself, though it was in the spirit of friendship. There was one person you'd been hoping to get a romantic gift from, but...well, that was about as likely as an expensive steak dinner falling from the sky.

Still, you appreciated the gift you had received, and there was a slight spring in your step as you carried it to your office. Valentine's Day wasn't an official holiday by the military's reckoning, so unfortunately, you'd still have to slave through a pile of paperwork. However, that task didn't seem as unpleasant as it might have been – largely due to the presence of the grumpy lieutenant with whom you shared an office.

"Hi, Levi," you chimed as you stepped inside, shutting the door behind you. You didn't bother addressing him with his rank, since you were both lieutenants. Besides, the two of you were informal enough in your conversations, and he didn't seem to mind it.

"Hey," he grumbled, his eyes remaining on the document in front of him as he wrote. "There's tea on the table, if you want it."

Sure enough, when your gaze flicked to the small table tucked into one corner of the room, you saw a pot of tea and an extra cup sitting there. True to form, Levi already had one cup in front of him. A thin cloud of steam wafted from it, making it seem like just the thing for this chilly February morning.

"Thanks!" you chimed, delighted that Levi was sharing his expertly brewed tea with you.

You poured some for yourself before heading to your desk, setting the steaming cup and your rose atop it. Then you sat down, eyeing the stack of paperwork that must have been dropped off this morning. It was pretty small – something you could likely get through in an hour, if you stayed on task. But...

Your gaze flicked to Levi, watching discreetly while he filled out yet another form. His brows were slightly furrowed, his steely eyes focused as his pen moved in meticulous strokes. Lately, you'd been finding excuses to stay in your office longer, just so you could spend more time in his company. You hadn't yet worked up the courage to confess your feelings to him, but...maybe today, you could...

There was a knock on the door, and then a cadet squeezed his way inside, hindered by the large quantity of cards, flowers, and gift boxes he held in his arms. In fact, you thought it quite miraculous that he hadn't yet dropped anything. "More for you, Lieutenant Levi," he stated with a sheepish smile.

"Tch," Levi hissed, not looking at all pleased with this delivery as he jerked his chin over his shoulder. "Just put them with the others."

You glanced to the spot Levi had indicated, only to find a large pile of assorted valentines against the wall behind his desk. You hadn't been able to see them when you walked in – likely, Levi hid them on purpose – but now that you did, your eyebrows shot up. Among the cards, flowers, and stuffed animals, you observed multiple boxes that appeared to contain chocolate, which was unbelievably expensive.

Who had sent all these?

You waited until the cadet saluted and left the room before stating neutrally, "That's quite the collection of valentines. Are those all from Scouts?"

Levi snorted, eyeing the pile of gifts with revulsion. "Not even close. They're all from civilians. I don't know a single one of them."

Ah, that made sense. "Well, a lot of people admire Humanity's Strongest Soldier," you stated, chuckling lightly.

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