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I hum some melodies while I work my way around the cashier. With the duster in hand, I carefully dust off the variety of different vintage mirrors, gold picture frames and clocks that are all on display, behind them dark green wallpaper that suits the vibe of the store just splendidly.

I'm opening the store and I need the place to look flawless before turning the 'open and close' sign hanging on the glass door.

Not that making the place look flawless is hard. It's astonishing how much antiques Mr Oak managed to collect through out his life spam. And the way he displayed the interior of his shop makes everything look like it values a lot more than their actual price. You see, Mr Oak is a rich man who is just interested in showing others his prideful collection of rare items.

And selling them, of course.

Just to buy more stuff.

Almost each one of them are from a different place with an intriguing back story. I would listen to him talk about this store all day as I work.

Mr Oak isn't here right now. Saying that he needs to run a few errands and all. He trusted me with his store and told me to open it at exactly twelve pm.

Feeling honored that I'm being entrusted with something so mature-like, I flip the sign the other way around, officially, but silently announcing that Oak's antiques is now open.

I stand my ground for a minute, watching the world from inside the store. People don't seem to even notice the store exists. Which saddens me since I know just how hard Mr Oak worked on this place.

A person walks by leisurely with a little kid in his hand. He spares the store a glance, nodding a little like he actually appreciates it. He looks at the door but gets startled when he sees me standing in front of it with an excited grin. He hurriedly jogs away, grabbing his kid with him by the back of his shirt.

I frown deeply. I really just scared a potential customer, didn't I?

No way, I'm the sweetest.

He's just rude, I'm sure.

What did he see that freaked his out so much in the first place? The sign is big so I doubt he saw my full face anyways.

I huff before opening the store's glass door. I want to see what exactly he saw.

Maybe it was something behind me from the antiques that scared him. The moos head on the wall could be pretty terrifying when you look at it from the window. But that isn't in sight when you're outside the store, at least not from the doors prospective.

The chill in the air kisses my skin as I walk outside. Winter is around the corner, its still warm outside though. The blowing wind is there but you can hardly feel cold in this weather.

I turn around to look at the store but then I get launched off onto the floor. Due to a hard, walking wall that bulldozed over me.

I grunt as my butt hits the hard, cold concrete. My butt grazes the floor as I slide backwards just a few centimeters. The short dress I'm wearing doesn't help it at all. But darn I don't regret wearing it one bit.

It's a very cute and basic baby blue summer dress with a little V line in both the front and the back. Little, micro white flowers cover the whole thing. It wasn't suppose to show any cleavage, but seeing that I have above average sized chesticles, I have a tiny bit of cleavage showing. I thought this dress was a total kill for, until I fell on my butt by the push of one of the transformers. I just know I have at least two cuts on the back of my thighs from this fall.

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