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Have you ever thought 'wow, how did I end up in this situation? How did I become so pathetic?' Well, my dear, I have. That was what was going through my mind as I watched Jake pay for a bottle of orange juice.

That was all I needed to see before I became sick of him and his possessiveness. I looked back at my lap, all the events of this wild week passing through my mind like a record player. The unfathomable amount of hits I was getting. From Jake. My father. Levi. Even Lando that has been overly frustrated with my actions.

I can't blame him. I would accuse myself of madness if I saw myself acting like that without knowing what has been going on to make me end up like that. Even I agree that I deserve all of these hits, which make me feel more like crap than I already do.

God, I'm so tired. I can't even cry. I've been crying for the last twenty-four hours nonstop, my eyes are burning, they're dry. I'm sure my eyelids are a swollen mess, but it's not like I can do anything about it. Usually, the solution to all my problems was to cry my heart out in my room, but I can't do any of that now.

It feels like the pressure of all my problems are cancatervating inside of me, bottling up. Not even crying can let it out. I need to speak to someone so I can feel more sane.

I fiddle with the button down's sleeve, picking at it and then rolling it back up like the other one. I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket and I reach back to grab it.

It's from Lando.

Where are you? Didn't you say we'll meet later?

I bite my lip, glancing at Jake then back at my phone.

I type back. Meet me in the cafeteria. Jake's with me so you have to be nice.

Not a few minutes later, he responded.

Why the hell are you still with him, bee? You know how much trouble he is.

Shit. I'm not with him. He's with me. If that makes any difference.

He responds. It does. And you need to tell me why before i find out myself.

My chest tightens as if I'm going to cry. Ha, as if. You think i want any of this, Orlando?

Don't Orlando me. And no, that's why I'm right in front of you right now.

My head shoots up as soon as i read the last sentence. Sure enough, He stands right in front of me with an unexpected warm smile. I frown and cross my arms. "You need to calm down before i kick you in the ribs."

"Fiesty. Me like." He wiggles his eyebrows before sitting on the opposing bench of the table. "Now, Where's that slug you said was with you?"

"Buying me orange juice."

He lifted a brow in amusement. "Don't you think you're a bit too young for the sugar daddy thing?" My eyes widen. I kick his leg from under the table. He grunts. "He's not my freaking sugar daddy. But I might as well put him to work if he's gonna stick to me like my shadow."

"And why is he sticking to you in the first place?" He inquires, narrowing his eyes at me.

I've procrastinated the whole thing all day. The question is now on the table and I have no answer. I take a deep breath in. "I just decided to give him a chance." I shrug like that makes total sense. "He's been nothing but..." the words are stuck in my throat, they feel like knives. Nope, not knives, swords and butcher knives more like. "Nice to me. I thought 'why not'." My leg is bouncing anxiously under the table, but he doesn't seem to notice, too baffled by my words.

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