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It's been long enough, and I think it's time to reveal what our infamous Alana looks like.


°•The previous day•°

I push the chair with my foot before taking a seat, making sure he can feel the intensity of my eyes on him. He squirms in his place, looking anywhere but at me. That adds a smirk to my face.

"I don't like repeating myself, so you either spill it, or I'll make you spill it." I say in my sweet little voice, it's deceiving, it's sexy, it gets the job done. But i think he's been around me long enough to be immune to my manipulating tricks. My smirk turns into a full-blown smile as I twist the sharp dagger against the tip of my index finger, drawing blood.

I don't like daggers. Or knives. Or machetes. I like my claws better, they do the job just fine but for some reason, people fear knives more. Hence the dagger in my hand.

The dude is shaking.

"I had to go. The guilt was too much to bear." He says, looking at his feet. That's why I hate emotions, they're no good.

They're either too much they overwhelm you, or they're too little, making you numb. Might as well not feel them in the first place. That's why I turned mine off.

Maybe he should too.

All vampires can do that. They all give you the 'I'm a good vampire, I don't kill. That's why I don't feel guilt.' But that's straight up BS. All vampires kill, no exceptions included.

"That wasn't my question." I shake my head, digging the dagger deeper in my finger. "Why didn't you finish your part then return like I ordered you to?" I lean forward, making sure my face is void of any expressions.

He squeezes his eyes shut, dreading this conversation from his core. A few tears fall from his chin, adding to the tear puddle on his jeans. "You must understand. She's a part of me. It was as if I was hurting myself." He covers his face with his hands, his shoulders shaking with despair.

"News flash, I don't care." I click my tongue. "And you must know, your actions will have consequences. You're lucky you're of importance to me right now, or else your heart would have been in my hand right now." My lips form a line.

My threat doesn't reach him the way I wanted it to. He doesn't flinch, his eyes don't widen. It's like he didn't hear me. Now that cabt be good. With the dagger in my hand, i aim it as his calf before throwing it. I hear it tear throw his jeans then flesh. He yells in pain, doubling over with pain. With shaky hands, he pulls it out, whimpering.

"Is that all you've got?" He seethes.

It's not, but i start analyzing my options anyway.

It's not like I can go back, my plan is already in motion. At least I could always manipulate the situation to my advantage.

With an immense wave of satisfaction, I grab my desk phone, lifting it to my ear. "Bring it in." Upon hearing my words, he stands. "What are you doing?" He inquires.

My eyebrow raises, malicious thoughts running through my mind. "Sit down." I demand. He doesn't oblige immediately, getting more on my nerves. I'm going to enjoy his reaction.

The door to my office opens and my bodyguard walks in, holding a box in his hand. Clueless to what's inside, he drops the box onto my desk. Without another word, he stands by the door, his sunglasses not allowing me to see if he's watching us or not.

I open the box, ripping the tape with my claw. I smile as open the box. This is good. I put the box on the floor and kick it with my foot, sending it toward him. His eyes widen at the contents of the box, seeming to have gone completely and utterly speechless.

He stands from his chair before quickly sitting down next to the box, removing the wrapping bubbles I'd ordered my staff to wrap it in.

I didn't want blood to soak the underside of the box. That would ruin the surprise. Though you can vaguely see what's inside without removing the wrapping bubbles, adds to the suspense.

Once he can clearly see what's inside, his mouth falls agape, hand to his heart and his tears immediately begin streaming down his face again.

I didn't think she mattered to him that much.

He looks up at me with loath, fire burning alive in his eyes, a silent promise to himself that he'd get back at me someday.


"How could you?" He asks, his voice low before he shouts the questions again. "How could you?!" He uses the table to stand up, leaning against it so he won't fall. "You said you'd keep them safe if I did what you asked!" He points a finger at me.

I shrug. "But you didn't do as I asked."

He takes a few threatening steps closer. "Yes I did. I did all you asked me to do for three years straight. Three years! Even though you took the most valuable things from me, I still answered to you every single time!" He bends to pick up the box, struggling not to gag. "Why would you bring her into this? She's just a kid!"

"Was. Was just a kid." I smile upon seeing how angry he is. Someone bring me popcorn, this is too entertaining.

His jaw locks, his hand forming a fist by his side. "You know what, I'm done. I'm done following you like I'm your little bitch. I'm done siding with you over my own flesh and blood thinking I was protecting her when I should've been by her side this whole time. Our deal, it's over." He kicks his chair before grabbing it and throwing it in my direction. It doesn't get near me, he should've known better.

I don't even flinch as I grab hold of his mind, digging my metaphorical claws into his brain.

I pop every nerve in it, causing him to shout in pain. He falls to the flood, clutching his head in his hands. He curses, shouting at me to stop.

And I stop, only because I know he'll die if I continued for another second.

I smirk at his red face. "You can go, but you'll regret it, you know. It's better to stick to the stronger team than with the righteous one."

Dizzied, he grabs the box. "Trust me, the only thing I regret is ever thinking you were capable of keeping your word." With that, he storms out of my office with Axella's head in his hands.

"Goodbye, Zion." I call after him with a grin, spinning in my seat.

Now, I'm one hundred percent positive my plan is foolproof.

Angel Of DawnOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora