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"So you just don't smile?" I ask, hugging the duvet while staring at the ceiling. Lando's right next to me on the floor, unable to sleep because of my various questions. I put on the clothes he gave me which looked quite big on me but was thankfully comfortable. I was so sick of those jeans and t shirt I've been wearing for two days straight. It's nice to have something new to sleep in.

Something that covers me completely.

The house is being renovated, everything's changing. And because it's dusty in the living room due to negligence, I can't stay on the couch. Nor can Lando. His mom absolutely refused for any of us to sleep in the living room, I thought it was a bit weird, but Lando didn't seem to think so. We don't usually sleep in the same room because hello? Privacy? We may stay on the couch some nights when we are watching TV and happen to sleep during the film. Other nights we don't really care where we sleep as long as we're eating snacks. But tonight, his mom insisted we stay inside the room and not in the living room.

I told him I'm taking the bed tonight. We go by turn, last time we had a sleepover, he took the bed and left me on the couch. Now that he got rid if the couch in his bedroom, he's sleeping on the floor with his own thin blanket -he gets too hot under the duvet- and two pillows. I was generous enough to give him two since I know he can't sleep without them. I was gonna give him one but then I remembered he's a vampire. I chickened out so fast.

Don't feel too bad, he would've done the same to me if it were my turn.

"You idiot." He says between chuckles. "Our fangs disappear at all times, unless we're feeding. More specifically, when we dig them into an animal or intend on digging them into something. So no, they don't appear unless I want them to. And yes, I can smile." He explains patiently. I glance down at him and he flashes me a fang-less, boyish grin.

I lean back into the bed.

What an interesting life.

I stare at the ceiling for a while longer, thinking. I still can't believe there's a whole world I've never heard about. A world I didn't know my closest friend knew about. Was a part of. I wonder who else is a vampire. How do they hide it so well? Is there a secret way behind it? A catch? I mean, there must be a breaking point. One like Lando's. If I didn't see his pupils thin out in pure, seething rage, I wouldn't have known. This whole thing is just so peculiar.

I want to see it all. Every part of it. It's all so overwhelmingly astonishing. The super speed and the healing. The fact that you could help people with their wounds just by a drop of your blood. I want to see and know everything about this.

I grin to myself as I turn over and look down at Lando from the edge of the bed. "Can I see?" I ask enthusiastically.

His head tilts, giving me a confused look. "Are my smiles that rare?" He asks as if he's genuinely curious. I roll my eyes, my smile till present as I answer. "No, idiot." I through at him his own words. "I mean the fangs. Can I see them?"

His eyes widen, immediately shaking his head. "Heck no."

I scowl deeply. "Why not?" Surely, he's being dramatic about this. After all, it's his nature.

He adjusts his head on the pillow, as if trying to prepare for the conversation. "In order to flick my fangs out," He looks fairly uncomfortable right now. "You'll have to see my eyes darken, my veins more vibrantly red, my face changes completely and there's just blood everywhere after that." He inhales deeply, closing his eyes as if he regrets speaking a single word. Yet, he keeps going. "It's not even that bad for me because I'm a new vampire. Three years is nothing. There are vampires out there who have lived for centuries and they look way more terrifying. With much longer and larger fangs than mine -mind you.

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