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It's the second time I've had to take care of an unconscious Blaire. And both times, I was in a state of shock beyond words. I keep waiting for the reality to hit in and for this nightmare to end, but it haunts me instead. Part of me wishes I was stronger, to erase myself from her memories, because it's simply the best thing for her. Tell her to start a life somewhere else, give her my will so she no longer will need to worry about living in a comfortable, safe home. Far away from here.

But an awfully selfish part of me doesn't want to let go of her. If anything, I want to embed my heart inside the walls of her chest and never leave.

Plus, I don't even know if leaving her will help the danger she's constantly in. Until I've got some kind of clue as to where Alana is, I'm as good as gone. I can't do a single thing but guard Blaire with everything within me. I'm willing to do that, but I'm starting to doubt myself at this point. She shouldn't suffer not feeling safe all the time, not because of me, no.

It's the second time I'm cleaning dried blood off of her face. The second time I've felt pain so severe, it's almost indescribable. It's eating me alive seeing her like this and I'm too tired to even cry. At this point, I feel something like exhaustion, but the feeling is so overwhelming, it feels like something totally new.

I haven't felt something so horrible since I was a freshly new Lord of the vampires, back at the Enchanted Kingdom. That was a good nine years ago. The Enchanted Kingdom is something I've wanted to rule, but was too intimidated by it for a long while. It's no joke, a mistake could end millions of lives including your own. That place is where I'd done my greatest mistake. That mistake is the reason I fled and never looked back since, leaving the throne for Alana to take since i couldn't care less about it at the time.

The intense, peculiar emotion I'm feeling is foreign only because I never thought I'd get attached enough to cause it to come back. It's horrible. A dreadful void and emptiness knowing you weren't enough.

Coldness beyond mundane has settled in, as if my innards are freezing over.

After I'd cleaned the gash in her forehead and used a small piece of gauze and a bit of cotton to help with the bleeding. I noticed her back had gauze wrapped on it. It's not wrapped around her whole torso so i'd only noticed it when i checked to see if she needed serious medical attention.

I took a peek and saw a cut the size of my middle finger plastered right on her back, stitched shut and healing a little. The bit of blood visible is dark and the tissue around the stitches had begun to scab, meaning it's a quite old cut. Other than those, I haven't seen any other injuries-if you don't consider the bruises on her legs as injuries-which is a good sign.

Jake is no longer here. Unconscious, but alive and out of my way for now. And whilst I can't kill him now, it doesn't mean I'm letting him live in peace.

I gave Orlando my phone number, told him exactly what to do and how to do it so he won't die at his hands. Now, I'm receiving picture after picture of his mangled face and body.

I'm lost in thought, but my gaze is fixated at her face. Her eye bags are way more noticeable now than from earlier this morning. Like weeks has passed instead of hours. I dip the cloth in the warm water again before removing the last bit of blood from her neck. Being as gentle as possible and using velvet so I won't irritate her delicate skin too much.

Or at least I hope so.

It's been at least two hours since I'd found her. I'm ashamed to say I'd been too paralysed in front of her limp body, trying to cease my endless line of overthinking. I probably looked like a lunatic sitting in here, staring at her without actually absorbing any sights with my eyeballs.

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