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A quick chapter before a six days break. I'm in my finals, and it's almost impossible to provide any time for writing. That doesn't mean I won't be publishing a long chapter right after the break.


Levi 》

If I didn't know she was an early bird, I'd think she was taking a picture of me drinking from a blood bag with only her eyes and not a useless modern invention the stupid humans created. I choked on the blood -which was a lot of waste since it was O positive, my personal favorite- and I had to stop myself from coughing like a caveman from the burning in my chest. All of that is because she was freaking sleepwalking. It was obvious but I decided to ask her about it as some sort of conversation starter, because I have no idea how to keep up a conversation, let alone start it. I'm not that good with words.

At least she's an easy person to talk too. Not judging and mean like the other vampires I'd been with. If only she was a vampire. I wouldn't feel so weird talking to her instead of ripping her neck open.

But, no, she had to be a freaking human out of all the damn creatures of the world.

After I calmed my coughing down, I actually had all the time before she woke up to admire her attire and her gorgeous face. Something about the way her hair looks so soft like the softest of clouds and how it constantly kept falling in front of her face everytime she leaned into the window and checked out her dim yard even though I'm sure she couldn't see shit. She would tuck it away with so much peace and self calmness, her slow movements indicating she's actually not comprehending any of her surrounding even though she keeps looking around. She'd look out the window down at the ground every few minutes, as if she's checking if their house is still attached to the green lawn or if they are floating.

It's stalkish of me to admit to admiring her when she's clearing sleepwalking. But I wasn't intentionally looking at her. I was just enjoying my meal when I sensed movement next to me, and it just so happened to be a falling off the bed, Blaire. I hid the blood bag and by the time I went upstairs to my bedroom again after storing the blood bag in Nonna's mini fridge -that only contains blood bags- she was staring straight at me with an expressionless face. Even with no expression at all, she looked beautiful.

Though, her smile fit her better. A lot better, actually.

Something about the way her eyes followed me around made me feel really fucking intimidated by her. It's weird since I wouldn't feel half intimidated by her if she were awake, but i do when shes asleep. I didn't even think once in my life I'd be intimidated by the most innocent looking seventeen year old human I've ever seen. But I don't like awkward eye contact. So, I closed my window. I could still see her, but she couldn't. Which left her gazing at the darkness of the tint. I sat there for like half an hour, petting Zara that joined me on the windowsill and looking at Blaire occasionally.

She was wearing a low, skinny straps, black tank top that stuck to her to her torso, really complementing that damn waist of hers, it's a V neck bur hardly anything was visible. it was enough to make my breathing grow uneasy. I couldn't see what exactly she was wearing as bottoms because the window is higher than average, but I could see it's something grey. She'd say some words I couldn't make sense of. But I did enjoy how her nose moved everytime she talked and the way her pearly whites would show before she purses her lips and stays quiet for a while.

I felt sort of annoyed when she snapped out of her sleep and woke up with a gasp. She then proceeded to look around her room like it's the first time she'd been inside of there then pauses. She ran to her bathroom and only then do I realize she's wearing silk grey shorts. She turned on the lights before grabbing a shiny object. I chuckle as I see her slowly walking out of the bathroom with it in front of her like she's about to knock someone out with it. I see her sigh in relief before throwing the object at the chair in the corner of her room.

She stands there, looking down at her feet then laughed a little. Her laugh is soft and contagious and it sounds so good to one's ear. I could literally listen to it for hours a day and not get bored, that being if she were a vampire. It's the type of laugh that can make you laugh because of how from the heart it is despite not being so feminine. I didn't care if her laugh isn't feminine, hell I wouldn't even care if she laughed like a truck driver fella. Her bubbly personality makes up for all her nonsense.

I feel like a creep right now. Staring at her wiggle her toes. I need to let her know that I'm sitting right across from her. So, I stand up and lift up my window. Zara meows, annoyed with me before jumping off the windowsill and climbing on my bed. She lays down on my pillow and looks at me almost as if she saying 'what you gonna do about it?'

''You know what I'm gonna do about it? I'm gonna throw you with the stray cats along with my pillow, Zara. That's not a warning, it's a promise." I point a sharp index at her, narrowing my eyes. Her demeanor turns into an offended one before closing her eyes and resting her head down. I feel a little bad, though. "Okay, maybe I'll leave some tuna behind for you." She better fucking understand my generosity because I rarely see this side of me.

I look back at Blaire who's looking down at her yard again. I sigh before finally making my presence noticeable. "Psst!"

I place Zara back on the bed with the pillow and all and turn around to see Blaire jerking off of the windowsill with a shriek. My eyebrows furrow but then a look of amusement appears on my face when her head pops up and her hair kinda flies back with her movement. Her eyes narrow at the black object on the windowsill before she stands up and throws the object across the room. Something she does a lot. "What the heck are you doing?" I finally ask.

"I thought I saw a cockroach." She elaborates, sort of out of breath which makes her chest rise and fall with pants as she looks behind one more time.i sort of lose my ability to speak so she does it for me. "Alright, see you in the morning then." She smiles sheepishly. Hearing her say that made me impatient, wanting the morning to arrive already. "Goodnight, Levi." I never knew hearing my name from her mouth would make me feel a funny tug at my heart, but it did. In a good way, not the guilty or the painful kind, as if it's swelling.

I better see a doctor soon. This is not the first time this has happened and I'm getting worried. Dang it

"Night, Angel." I reply before she closes her window. Angel. It suits her so well, I never want to stop saying it.

Even though I can still see her, I feel like the fine sheet of glass is too much between us even though we are like eight feet apart. I watch her enter the bathroom and I take that as my cue to stop staring. I pick up the koala that she seemed to like so much and I inspect it.

What's so catchy about it that made her heartbeat quicken so much when she held it? The smile on her face after catching it but almost falling while doing so made the fear from her falling diminish. I don't even know why i care so much if she falls, humans fall all the time, yet just thinking about her falling made me feel physically queasy. Her obvious joy that was boosting in her was so noticeable. She gets entertained by the smallest things possible, which only makes her ten times more angelic.

For a human, at least.

I switch Furball and my pillow with the one next to it so she could sleep and I lay down on the bed, pulling the duvet and making it drape on my lower half before closing my eyes, my hands lost in her fluffy, smooth fur. "'Night, Fur-whatever your new name is." I quietly say goodnight before drifting off like her.

"See you in the morning then."

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