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She's still in a state of shock despite it being three days since she found out. She's been silent most of the time. Either hugging herself on the couch or inside her room. Rarely ever mutters a 'thank you' when Orlando or I hand her her portion of the food plus the very infrequent 'I'm fine' that's only uttered when I insist to check on her well being.

She's been weird, and it's totally expected. But scared isn't the right way to phrase it. More like paranoid. Yeah, that's it. She's paranoid. I'd been terrified the whole time to tell her only to find out she would be so understandable with my situation. I didn't expect much from her, not harsh words or mean insults. Maybe fear, since you don't exactly expect such shocking news on your typical tuesdays.

But nothing of this sort happened.

Which I'm glad about. Very glad.

She hasn't left the house at all. Not even open a window or step close to one. Orlando explained everything to her. From me being a vampire to explaining what Alana's powers are.

Hold on, let me elaborate.

Now is probably a good time to mention I'm a Royal. As royals, you're superior to other ordinary vampires. Which means you have a gift. Each member of the Royal family has their own unique gift. It's only inherited if you're a Royal by blood. I had the most unique, amazing, useful, mischievous of them all.

I can see in the dark.

Now please take note of the sarcasm because my gift is by far the most useless of them all and that's something that will forever be famous amongst the vampires back in Phoenix. I try my hardest not to be ashamed of that.

Now as of my unmentionable relative. The rather repulsive one. She has mind control. She controls what you think of, what you think you see, what you think you feel, and mostly, your emotions and thoughts. Which explains the whole 'my ankle was broken and now it's all good after a few hours' situation.

Her power is very dangerous. Very. But it has a perk.

It's easy to identify if you try hard enough. After she manipulates someone, they grow confused of time. As if hours has passed by and you weren't even there to witness it. Physically present but not mentally.

Follows that nausea, headaches, dizziness...etc.

Orlando had to explain the whole thing more than two times before she actually absorbed what was said.

I had to take over and explain that I'm not only a vampire but a Royal one which I guess no one expected despite the eventful evening. I'd think they'd get used to the shocking news, that nothing would surprise them at this point. But oh hell how wrong I was.

First, Orlando gaped at me and kept ranting at how cool it would be if he was one and how many he'd get a yellow jet ski and a yacht with his name written with gold on it. It gave me ideas honestly.

Ideas on how I could get rid of his ass before he talks my head off.

Blaire was silently admiring Orlando's dreams. Adding a few ideas herself after a while of silence.

She didn't talk to me much that day. Let alone look or glance my way.

And oh boy did it feel heart wrenching.

I wanted to be by her side nonstop the whole time but I was forced off by Lando. Saying they'd talked—more like he talked and she listened—and he said she needs rest after today.

That day, she didn't eat. Barely drank water to help her raspy and hoarse voice but that was it.

It's Thursday and it's exactly 9:56 am. Her birthday is tomorrow and I don't want her to isolate herself during such a special day. Just because I'd been too selfish to stay away from her, doesn't mean she punishes herself for it.

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