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Levi 》

I lick the smoothie off the spoon, not before checking for my EpiPen. I might be a vampire, but I'm still not immune to everything. Like berries. I'm allergic to berries. But I wasn't going to tell Blaire about that, especially after knowing the shortage of the fruits in the house. I don't have a necessarily bad reaction to them, but they do irritate my skin, not in an unbearable manner, since turning into a vampire helped with that. But my blood pressure does decrease in a rapid way. The EpiPen -due to containing epinephrine- helps reduce that allergic reaction.

Relaxing the muscles in the airways to make breathing easier when it does get harder.

The smoothie is a bit sour, which might just be my taste buds repulsing from the berries, but it's good nonetheless.

I turn to look at Blaire, the one now sleeping on the very edge of the bed, I just noticed her now. My heart jams in my chest at the sight and I jump instinctively, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer to the middle of the bed so she won't fall. She easily slides closer, curled up into a ball and hugging something to her. I notice the white fur of Winni and I sigh out a laugh.

She slept with her in her arms. Winni is also sleeping cozily in her embrace, resting on her flat stomach. I can't help the little spark of happiness that flares inside of me when I realize just how adorable both of them are. Winni Furball has some smoothie on her whiskers, bright purple. I grab a napkin and I gently wipe it off so she won't wake up.

I notice another thing next to her, though. The koala. Nonna's koala. It had been buried inside the fabric of my huge tee and I couldn't see it from afar.

I pull out a throw blanket for her and I sit her up, not worried that I might wake her up. This girl is the heaviest sleeper I've ever known. Not even an earthquake can wake her up if she's having a good dream. I wrap the throw blanket around her shoulders and I tuck her against a pillow, leaving her abdomen with no coverage from the blanket so Furball can also sleep. I cover Blaire's legs and I sit carefully next to them on the edge of the bed.

I stroke Furball's little head, admiring the beautiful woman sleeping on my bed. I don't intend for this to be anything, but I just can't help but hope that she sees me differently.

The reaction starts to kick in and I sigh, standing up and grabbing the EpiPen. I inject myself with the epinephrine and I take out the needle from my forearm. I dispose of the now useless pen but then a loud ringing sound booms in the room, making me startle slightly.

I look around in the room for the source of the sound and I pull out a phone from Blaire's pocket so she won't wake up. I put the phone on silent and I debate whether I should answer or not.

Apparently, semen donor is calling her.

I have no idea who is that and I'm not sure I want to know anyway.

I decide it's none of my business and I put down the phone, ignoring it intentionally and walking out of the room as distraction. It rings again and I hurry to turn it off again. This time, I turn off the volume completely. I'm not waking her up for any stupid reason.

I walk out again and I turn off the lights behind me so she could sleep.

Not halfway down the stairs, my own phone rings, scaring the balls out of me. I'm not used to technology, if that wasn't obvious. I pull the phone out of my pocket and a wave of relief washs over me when I see Nonna's name. I slide accept call and I press the phone on my ears.

"Nonna?" I ask despite knowing it's her on the line. I just have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something's wrong.

"Nope, guess again, sweetheart." A dreadfully familiar voice says in it's dreadful french accent. "Or should I say 'your highness'?" She taunts.

My heart drops at the confirming of the voice's owner. A huge cold wave hits me. My hands sweat at what this could possibly mean. I feel my chest closing up just thinking of the possibilities.

"What did you do." I ask, my voice harsh yet quiet. She has Nonna's phone, this could mean so many things. All of them very bad ones.

"No hard feelings, your highness. But someone just had to take care of this old hag. Hope you don't take this too personally, though." She laughs sickly. My stomach drops as I let her words sink in. "We all know what you turn into when you're angry."

"What did you do?" I repeat, enunciating my words while walking outside the house so Blaire won't wake up. I have no idea why I care so much for her comfort.

"Nothing, you didn't sign up for when you killed one of my people today. Yes, that old man was just a means to an end but he was quite useful to me. You basically gave me a bright green pass, and I paid you back." She's so calm with her words, as if enjoying every second whilst I'm trying to process how to deal with this.

"You're sick. Where is she?" I inquire, breathing deeply into the phone. "I swear if you touch a single strand of her hair, Lana, I will skin you alive. Where is she?" I yell into the phone, seething.

"She's somewhere between five to six feet underground. Don't worry, though, your highness. I made sure she was comfortably laying where she felt most at peace. Her garden." She laughs again, I could basically feel the color drain from my face, I feel sick to my stomach. "Oh, and, do you want her heart on a silver platter or a gold one? I have both."

I'm too dumbfounded to think of any response. I feel like my voice is stuck in my throat. She's here? I look around the garden, the one filled with all the flowers she adores. There's a huge spot in the middle of them, a spot where flowers and destroyed and dug up. My legs go weak, too weak to hold me up so I give up and drop to my knees, touching the flowers with the tears stinging my eyes but not forming. I retreat my hand away from the dead flowers when I notice the blood on them.

"Hello? What will it be, silver of gold?" She asks, exasperated and sighing in annoyance.

I finally find my weak voice, weak, but still there. "Why?" I don't care if my voice is quiet, I'm too shocked to care, I'm surprised I'm not speechless right now. "Why her?" My throat is closing up. I feel like somebody is strangling me with wires.

"Don't cry on me now. I didn't cry when you killed one of my best men. Although that must be because I'm a teeny-tiny bit of a sociopath, but you get what i mean." I could basically see her shrugging with sass while filing her razor sharp nails.

"Now, this is how it'll go. You either give me what I've asked from you multiple times before, or you'll lose the little candy you seem to be getting comfortable with. Whatcha say, sugar? Deal?" She enunciates 'multiple', emphasis that she asked more than a hundred times before.

"How about you come face me and stop being the coward you are for once? Then, we can talk." I say before hanging up.

I slowly stand up from the ground, staring numb-fully at the bloody dirt. A poor attempt at trying to fathom my reality. The reality. A reality where nonna isn't here anymore. I won't wake up to her sweet, warm words again. Because she's dead. I won't smell her amazing baking from upstairs or feel her bone crushing hugs again. Because she's dead. I won't be able to pour my heart out to her like I always do whenever I feel like I'm pressured. She's dead. I won't get excited to go home, knowing her warm hugs are waiting for me along with a shit ton of gossip about her favourite daily newspapers. Because I basically killed her with my actions. I won't be able to enjoy all of these things ever again.

Because she's dead.

And she's buried under the ground in currently leaning over.

And it's all because I couldn't control my anger for once.

She managed to find me. Again.

I let out an enraged sob as I hurl the phone over the fence in pure anger. At myself. Her flowers are drenched in her blood. The flowers she spent hours each day taking care of more thoroughly than she takes care of herself. They're dead flowers now. And she's buried under them. I'm the cause of her death. I once again didn't think my actions through and acted upon instict. And instead of me suffering the consequences, she did.

She's gone, and it's because of me. I'm going to live the rest of my eternity on this earth making sure I never make a mistake like that again. And I'm going to take the life of the person responsible for this. Even if it causes me my death.

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