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Whatever I'm sitting on right now, it's by far the best thing I've ever sat my booty on. I stretch my arms, not daring to move an inch from my comfortable position on whatever cloud I landed on. I yawn but refuse to open my eyes for some strange reason. I think I'm not ready to see how bright the sun is shining right now.

My hand lands on the softest thing I've ever felt. Fur, Winni's fur for sure. I've felt its softness before and this feels somewhat like it from what I can remember. I ruffle her hair, but it's strangely way longer than I remember it being.

I crack my eyes open, rubbing them with my knuckles to try to wipe the sleep off of them and the first thing I notice is that I'm on the couch. How did I even get here? I sit up, stretching my back because that was by far the nicest nap I've had in a long time.

I look to my side, where I felt Winni next to me, only to see Levi sitting on the floor, changing through the crappy channels in the TV. I immediately tense up and my cheeks flush more than they've ever did before. I bury my hands under the blanked in embarrassment, never looking away from Levi's head. "Good afternoon, sunshine." He says sarcastically, which makes me bury my face into the blanket from the weird buzzing sensation his words did to my skin.

After only being able to breathe hot, low quality air, I look up at Levi. More like his head. "I thought you were Furball, I wouldn't play with people's hair no matter how soft and amazing it is." I nod, staring down his hair. "I do have nice hair." He nods, too, still facing the TV.

"Why are you sitting on the floor anyway?" I ask, looking at the TV to find him changing through channels incredibly fast. He only points at the other couch, where nonna is sleeping with newspaper covering her face and her body stretched across all of the couch, engaging it all. "Oh," then I realize I've been engaging this couch too, since I was also stretched across it. "I'm sorry, here." I sit up all the way and scoot back a bit so he can sit on the other end of the couch. "Sit here." I pat the other cushion, fully empty and plenty of space for a smoking hot man to sit on.

He stares blankly at the empty spot, after a while, he stands up and sits at the corner. Really far from me, which made me chuckle. "I'm not gonna bite. Plus, it's not fatal." I notice he's wearing a different shirt now. But I'm not complaining, because this one shows almost every detail of his flawless abs and arm muscles.

Suddenly, this blanket feels like it's providing too much heat for my liking.

It's flipping hot in here, sheesh. I almost fan myself when his eyes catch mine for a second.

"I'd rather take precautions." He says bluntly, which makes me frown. "What's wrong?" I ask, crossing my legs under the blanket. He doesn't answer at all. Not a blink, a nod, anything that indicates he has a working brain and control over his muscles. Just staring at the TV which has the news on it, but the volume was extremely low. What a weirdo. "Levi," I attempt to grab his attention, but his sharp jaw only twitches. As if I'm annoying him or something.

"Did I do something?" I ask in a quiet voice, trying not to cause any more annoyance for anyone. With his eyes narrowed and sharp, he gives me a glare that manages to make me shrink back into the couch. Maybe, if I push myself further in it, I'll camouflage into the color of the couch, but I don't think even camouflaging would make this situation any less uncomfortable than it is. "Can you shut up for once, Blaire?" He asks, his face still harsh and rude.

My eyes widen, and I blink in utter surprise. Blaire, not Angel. He barely started using the nickname but i miss it already. I could literally feel my heart shrink back and my stomach dropping at his words. Yeah, he isn't the nicest person in California, but I thought we were going somewhere when we saw each other yesterday. I really thought he could be a decent friend.

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