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This chapter contains talks of rape, flashbacks and all the emotions that come with the act. If you see it too triggering, I suggest you scroll through it quickly, don't skip the whole chapter since it has important information for the plot.



I pay for the cab then I get out with my backpack dangling from my shoulder. The air is now humid after it had stopped raining. But I'm still somewhat soaked, leaving all the rain water puddled on the leather seats.

I stare at Levi's house, utter dread twisting inside of me with the thought of him being angry with me. I've had almost a full hour to think of what I'd say to him when I do see him. Even with a full hour of overthinking, I came up with absolutely no right answer. Lando's upset with me. Levi thinks I don't want anything to do with him. Rightfully so, since I literally told him that. Jake is possibly locked inside his bathroom with the thoughts of what he'd do to me when he gets out. My father wants to eat me alive because I'd asked him if he stilled accepted me as a daughter.

I have to fix one thing at a time if I want to make it out of this situation alive.

I don't know how to talk to Levi. The first time he was rude to me, he apologized on his own after refusing to earlier that morning. I don't think he'll want to hear me out this time. I think about my life if Levi wasn't here. No one would have stood by me after nonna's death. I wouldn't have a place to crash at after a fight with my father. I would have never experienced those amazing sparks and breathtaking feeling i get when he touches me. I'm positive I'll never find someone I connect with like him. If he weren't in my life, I would've been dead a long time ago.

I have to make it right with him.

But what if he needs time? What if he refused to give me a chance to make it right with him in the first place? What if I can't fix this fast enough and I lose my chance at ever making it right? That can't happen, I can't lose the one thing that makes my life bearable with all the shit going on.

Frustration builds up inside me along with anxiety.

Fine, I'll fix one thing at a time. I can start with Lando. I'm sure he won't be as harsh on me as Levi. He never was.

I take out my phone from my backpack and I dial Lando's phone number.

He picks up immediately. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen on board. This is Orlando Alastair speaking and I'm waiting for an apology for previous asshole-like actions."

I suppress my huge grin, just hearing him speak pightly about the situation makes me feel better. "A hello would've been fine." I speak into the phone.

"What's the fun in that!" He exclaims. His voice brings relief to my lungs, giving me a nice intake of air. "Listen, uhm, are you busy right now?" I inquire nervously.

"Never too busy for you, baby cakes." He mimics Jake's voice. High pitched and squeaky just like Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks. My face scrunched in disgust. I've been trying to run from that damn nickname almost a full semester now. "I don't think I'll recover from that nickname. Like ever, in my whole life." My mind immediately goes back to the moment.

"Bet you like it, baby cakes. Stop playing hard to get." His words will haunt me forever. Spoken whilst out of breath, after finishing into the rubber.

Olrando laughs from the other end of the line. "No for real, I'm not busy. What's up?"

I sigh, squeezing my eyes shut to focus back on our conversation. "I was thinking to myself about how there's no gentlemen in the world anymore. It was all in the eighties." I shake my head to make this more believable, even though he can't see me. "Can you believe women haven't found a guy generous enough to come pick them up from their houses yet?!" I make my voice as non-believing as possible.

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