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Levi 》

Something utterly fishy is going on. First, she comes to spend the night over with none of her belongings with her. Then, I could smell the strong scent of blood in the house. From decades of experience, I can tell it's O negative and I just happen to reload my mini fridge just a few days prior, and there isn't any O negatives in the whole house.

Which only means that Blaire was cut and/or bleeding.

And now, she's calling me from Alana's "trusted friend"'s phone. First of all, the whole 'i dont know where i am' thing I'll address later. Because the clench i felt around my heart was scary on its own, let alone with the news of Alana finding Blaire. I can only imagine the conversation they had before that call, and the only thing i can imagine after that call is anything but good. Anything at all, and oh my lord, how i was about to piss my pants whilst driving the whole time.

I'd kept calling her phone all day, and she never picked up once. All of them went to voicemail. But I'd noticed how she'd called me by my middle name, something she'd stopped doing after nonna had kicked the bucket. I wouldn't doubt that she did it on purpose, that girl is smarter than what I'd given her credit for the first time I met her, but knowing her kind heart, people will take it as weakness.

I started calling her at about two fifteen. When she'd be done with her school day soon. She didn't pick up—obviously—but I had thought she was still hung up on the tiny little kiss we'd shared. Since she looked understandable upset this morning, I'd figured she wouldn't answer. I'd sent her a shit ton of texts, trying to get her to respond.

Me: If i come pick you up, will you sprint away or just run?

She hadn't replied, it made me a little, teeny tiny bit more desperate.

Me: You do realize chickening out of a situation as soon as there's confrontation in sight isn't going to get you anywhere, right?

I had known that text wasn't going to get me anywhere with her, so I wrote a kinder, more out of the heart instead of mind one.

Me: If it makes you feel more comfortable about this, I would like us to forget about it completely. You know I won't force you to talk about anything. Heck, I just erased what happened from my memory.

Me: What was I even talking about? See, totally erased. We can't ignore each other like that at the first sign of a speedbump. I won't allow us to be that way.

That's when she'd sent the first text of the day.

Angel: I'll go home alone today.

That was all she'd said before her phone stopped receiving anymore texts. That's when I smelled the fishy business and my mind started playing scenarios in my head. What if she gets jumped again? All the ways of that happening started running through my mind. Her skating down the curb with her headphones on like she does sometimes, unaware of a creepy, middle aged man with a mullet that's hiding behind one of the dumpsters in an alleyway. Waiting for any young women to prey on. And, out of all the women out there, he finds her with all her beauty and innocence and he steals it all away.

Oh my word did my stomach turn and twist at the thought.

By then it was 3:56. Her school day had ended almost an hour and a half ago.

There's a huge difference between sunrise and sunset. Dawn and noon. Crackheads are too cuckoo to wake up at the asscrack of dawn to creep on schoolers, that i have observed during my stay. But anything can happen at noon.

I wanted to make sure she was home, so I looked out my window at hers. But the blinds were pulled shut, and there wasn't a sound heard from her house. Like any sane vampire would assume, I thought she'd went to sleep.

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