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Quieter than i ever thought i could be, I begin to note my surroundings. I don't even know why I'm doing it, but it's out of instinct. Instinct that I hadn't had just a few hours ago when I was surrounded by my friends. Then again a lot has happened since then, so this shouldn't come as much of a shock as it is. My vision is clearer. My movements feel unreal, like I'm watching someone else move but me. And the glowing? It's simmered down to a tiny glimmer around my hands.

No, not around, inside.

All this is new and all of this is stressful as heck but I need to focus on how to get out of here first.

I look up to see they kept the window between them and us closed, which worked wonderfully for me. Wouldn't want them figuring out I'm awake yet. I stand rather steadily, I say that because this damn SUV might as well be driving on rocks by how shaky it is.

I feel like I'm surfing not standing.

I look out the window to the outside and I gasp inaudibly. What the heck? We're indeed on rocks. How fast did they drive? There isn't rock roads in our town until very far off. It had been only about ten minutes since they started driving and there's no way they could've made it this far. Where are we going?

My calmness starts to wear thin by each minute. We need to get out of here. And my plan needs to be flawless so we won't get caught. I draw out deep breaths. "Calm down, calm down, calm down." I whisper to myself over and over. By the looks of it, they're human. One of them died from just one bullet. Why would she use human guards?

Whatever the reason, they're still trained men. And they look like they could tear someone like me with just a tug. Honestly, I'm surprised my shoulder hadn't dislocated from that move from earlier.

There's absolutely nothing here but two set of seats on each side. They're made of metal and that's it. There nothing else here that could help me wake Levi, or even escape.

I go down on my knees, helping Levi up and supporting his back by one of the seats. My hand goes to his pale face, his sickly pale face that would've given me a heartattack hadn't I known just how strong he is. No cold could ever weaken a man like him, he'd never leave me and I'm going to stand by that till my last breath.

But what do I do now? Should I just...melt my way out of here? But how would I hold Levi when there's men left and right? How will I outrun them?

There's no 100 percent safe way to do this. I have to take risks. Risks that could cost me my life but at least it wouldn't cost Levi his. I sit at one of the seated and pull Levi up next to me. I ready myself for his weight but I pull him up rather effortlessly.

That dude is heavier than two of me, he'd numb my arms if he rested on them and now he's a feather to pull? What other stuff can I do?

Read minds? Can I stop time, too??

Too shocked to consider just how deep in trouble I am, Levi swings off the seat due to the motion of the SUV. He lands with a loud thud on the floor. I wince for him.

"What was that?" I hear one of the men ask in their deep voice.

"Shit." I mutter at my idiocy. I squeeze my eyes shut and with zero hesitation, I throw myself after Levi. Landing on the floor and holding my breath tightly. Not a squeak. Not a peep.

Sure enough, I hear the window to the front of the SUV slide roughly open. I hear the man laugh after a few seconds before closing the window. "Drive smoother, they'll turn into smoothies before we make it to the château." He jokes.

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