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I know you guys want to straight ahead dig into the chapter, but I wanted to say something. You don't have to read it but I needed to get this out.

Writing has been a coping mechanism for me. I get out my frustration in these words and it drains me mentally. That's why I hardly update on a regular basis. But I'm trying my best. This story is small now, really small -three readers maximum- but I have faith that someday, people are going to read it. This novel has been a roller-coaster for me, but I love every single sentence in it nonetheless.

I cried, making most of my chapters, and was beaming in every happy scene I wrote. Whatever the reader is feeling, I'm sure I was feeling double that. If this reaches someone someday, I hope you enjoyed this novel as much as I enjoyed writing it.



I took the guest bedroom when I went inside. After possibly ruining my 'friendship' with Levi. Or whatever we were, because at this point, it doesn't matter what we were.

The whole night was sleepless. I couldn't get the kiss out of my mind. Of how good it felt, how the fireworks felt inside my body, how it came ojt of nowhere and how even i was shocked i actually went through with my train of thoughts. Of how it felt good but even a kiss like that wasn't worth our...anything-ship. I felt light and everything was so simple for a few seconds. Nothing but me, him and the heat of our lips together. That all died soon but what won't die is the uneasy feeling I've got.

I think i processed my mom's passing better than I'm processing this doomed kiss of ours.

I was so caught up in the mess I've made, I forgot my stuff inside the car. My skateboard, laptop, charger, bag. Everything. I wasn't going to ask Levi to unlock the car for me. I couldn't even look at him anymore. I felt unwanted just by the sheer presence of him outside the door.

I barely got two hours of sleep yesterday. I cried my heart out to poor Winni, whom I found in the room I slept in. Of course, I didn't actually talk to her, just cry while hugging her in case Levi heard me talking.

As if crying was any better.

I gave her a good ole shower with my salty tears yesterday. Winni is very affectionate but on her own terms, so it's safe to say she was pissed.

Which made me cry even harder.

Now I'm getting dressed to go to school. I had washed the shirt that was stained with blood, just to feel cleaner. I left it to dry in front of the window all night. It's not fully dry yet, damp. But I don't have any other options so I wore it like that. I knew what would come of it, a nice and lingering flu, but what other choice do I have? At least I'm free of any chomps. My father isn't the type to use a fork and knife.

My wound hadn't healed yet. Still fresh and angry red. I don't understand, why does all my wounds heal instantly, and when it's a serious injury, I don't heal as fast. Or at all. I mean, yeah the cut was deep and serious, but so was that burn and it just went poof in a matter of hours.

Maybe my...powers faded away since I didn't get any cuts in a long time. Maybe I have to get cut on a regular basis.

What if I cut myself to activate my healing?

I shook that thought out of my head and I make my way downstairs. What good would come of it if my powers faded away? I'd be left with cuts all over my body and my devastation will just ooze from more places. I can't imagine that to be pleasant.

Unfortunately, my outfit goes against the dress code, so I have to find something to cover up my upper half. I go into the downstairs bathroom, the one with the washing machine and drier. They're in the far corner of it. It's a spacious bathroom. Plus, I only noticed them after so many years with nonna.

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