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This water is way too hot for somebody who's cold twenty-four/seven. She's gonna start freezing up and I can't imagine her being okay with the fact that she's way too cold. She's always complaining about the weather when we happen to bump into each other, so I try to keep the AC a little hotter when she's around. It's not like me or nonna get hot often because our skin cools us off, so might as well do something nice for the poor human.

I twist the cloth in my hands, squeezing all the water out and making it damp rather than dripping wet. I make sure the temperature isn't too cold and won't bother her too much. But this water needs to be cold in order to wipe the blood away faster without any irritation to the skin.

I sigh, pushing her hair out of her face with the tips of my finger, fearing that if i press too hard, she'd break in my hands like porcelain. It's how I feel like she's going to be when she wakes up. And as much as I want her to be awake and well, I don't want to see her in despair or distress. I wonder if she'd accept any type of consoling. Because even though consoling is useless in my opinion, I have no idea how to make her feel better about this. There isn't a good side to be optimistic about in this situation.

And I'm by far the worst person I know to console someone.

I start wiping the dried blood off her neck, making sure I'm not applying too much pressure because I can be unaware of my vampiric strength at times. Nonna wasn't home when I got back, I called and she said she went out to buy some provisions. Of course, I don't know how to break the news to her, but I know she wouldn't be rude about it. It's just sad that Blaire had to go through something that can be so confusing and humiliating.

I can't blame Blaire on whatever reaction she's gonna have when she wakes up. Let's just hope she doesn't still hate me from what happened this morning. I've never felt so sad in my entire life. Not even when my dad died. He'd lived for almost eight-hundred centuries and I know his time was coming up soon because of how many envious vampires there was out there that wanted to put an end to his once thriving life. He had lived his life and he took a lot of peoples' lives along with him. So I wasn't necessarily devastated when he died.

Don't get me wrong, I loved my father to death. But knowing that his time was coming soon kinda smoothed the grieving train railway. This, on the other hand, it's wrecking me. It feels like death but its not physical. But my tears wouldn't form. Which honestly, kind of made me fear my lack of emotions. I need to watch more sad movies.

I feel her neck muscles tighten under my finger and my eyes widen. I'm not prepared yet. Shit. She's moving now that means she's conscious again. My hands freeze on her neck and after a second of my subconscious chiding me, I remove my hand so she'd feel a little bit less creeped out. She groans, her head moving and turning to look straight into my direction. I've never wanted to disappear and be there for someone so much before. Her sky blue eyes crack open and I'm feeling both mesmerised by them and scared to frighten her.

Why am I so scared?

I'm so scared. I'm seconds away from passing out myself, dammit.

I guess part of me feels remorseful for all the people I've fed on in the past. I never thought I'd someday witness someone I..know get into this type of situation. Now I know what I've put dozens of families through. Though I never touched a woman without her consent before, which makes this a hell of a lot harder for me to deal with.

Her face lightens up and a lazy, admiring smile gets plastered on her face. "Hey you," She says in a calm voice yet kinda hoarse. "Long time no see-" she enthusiastically, yet with not a lot of movement tries to holds out her hand for me to shake, but then recoils and a pained expression replaces her smile. I immediately snatch a pillow from the other couch and I bring it up to her. My hand snakes around her head, slowing lifting her up and I prop the pillow behind her back.

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