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Blaire 》

I ring Nonna's doorbell, taking a step back and bracing myself for the worst. After all the thinking I've been doing on my way here, I still cannot fathom why she would let me stay in the first place. But I guess asking won't bite me in the butt after all. Or at least that's what I hope for.

I fiddle agitatedly with the ends of my hair, looking down on them like they're the most interesting thing I've ever set my eyes on.

A click grabs my attention away from my precious hair, making my head shoot up and look at the person opening the front door.

Nonna takes a couple loud steps back, smiling at me with a pink sleeping eye mask lifted up to her forehead, messing with her hair in the process.

A sigh of relief escapes my mouth and I actually breathe. I didn't even realize I was holding my breath until that sigh left me.

"Why aren't you at school dear?" She asks, her voice as sweet as ever. She opens the door furthermore and takes my hand gently, pulling me inside.

I give her the brightest smile i could muster. "It's like ten in the morning, I woke up late for school and decided to stop by for a bit." I kick off my shoes and place them on the side, my back as stiff as a piece of wood. I look up at her to see her watching me questionably "But I could get out if you want!" This was a bad idea. Especially with the new addition to the house, very bad.

She let's out a breathly laugh and walks a little closer to me. She fixes my strap and lifts up my top a little, apparently, it had slipped down a bit while I was idly jogging down the street. Heat lits my cheeks on fire but I smile regardless. "Thank you." My voice was breathy for some reason.

Her arms wrap around my neck, just because it's the nearest thing to her arm's extent. For the first time in my entire life I'm actually glad I'm short. A dwarf like L E V i would say. I refuse to say his name, even inside my mind. "Ugh, dear, don't say such thing. Stay with us for as long as you like." She kisses the side of my head. Her words cease my dwelling thoughts, and actually make me feel a little better about the horrible day I've had.

The sun has barely woken up and I've already had enough of today.

But I feel so loved right now, it's overjoying.

I kind of feel bad now for throwing the red gatorade prior.

Do I tell her? What if she's just being nice and doesn't want to turn me down?

"Nonna.." My voice dies off for two reasons which both suck.

Firstly, my throat is being squashed.

Secondly, I've lost all ability to form sentences in my mind like a sane individual.

"Let the poor human breathe, Donna." I hear the voice I've been dreading of hearing all day. I squeeze my eyes shut and I pretend to enjoy the unintentional suffocation.

At least she's just hugging me and not choking me to death like someone I also refuse to say their name.

*cough cough* she means you, daddio.

What she said.

"How about you glue your mouth shut, Alex. I'm breathing just fine." I squeeze nonna more. I'm pretty sure I looked like anger from inside-out. Despite his name being anger, I'm not angry. Well, a little but that's not why I relate to him. It's how red my face is right now, it's making us look like fraternal twins.

"It's Levi for you."

"My bad, Alexander."

All cons aside, this hug feels like the only thing blocking my tsunami of tears from flooding this kitchen. And possibly the whole house, too.

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