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This is the most stressful thing ever. Like ever. Mr Oak just left me to reorganise the interior of the store. He bought new antiques from France a while back and has been too exhausted to put them up himself. He recently got them shipped to the store and they've been sitting in the stock room. It's almost empty now since I've been transferring the antiques to the front of the store ever since I arrived.

I still have a lot of antiques to organise, though. I don't think I've ever worked my butt off for this long. When I tell you I'm tired. I mean I'm tired. I freaking feel like I've been building a damn mental facility not transferring antiques.

I better get paid good for this.

Now tell me, why in the Disney world would Mr Oak buy a huge cotton candy machine from Spain that says 'Hola Azúcar'? I mean, I'm flattered, but why the heck is it so damn heavy? Almost broke my back three times carrying that thing.

I had some fun fighting off shadow demons inside the stock room with the plastic samurai sword -lightsaber- I found in there. It had a button you pressed to make it change colors. I was out of the stock room as soon as one of the real swords started moving. I don't mess with paranormal shit.

I have a fear of needles.

Good for you.

Whomever Mr. Oak stole those swords from, he needs to make up for it before they chop off my head.

After about an hour of organising the new antiques, I'm finally done. Covered in sweat and feeling as fresh as a pig who has been rolling around in mud for three hours. My back feels like it has snapped in half and sweat beeds are running down my forehead like rain. He doesn't bother installing an AC, but he buys a samurai sword?

That would be me if someone handed me way too much adult money.

I go back to Mr Oak's office that's right next to his stock room and I open the door. He said that after I was done organising at exactly seven pm today -every hour is fifteen dollars. So he has to be specific- I needed to go get my check of money from his office. And so, thats what I'm doing right now. I swing the door open with tenderness, feeling like somebody is watching me for some reason. I shake off the feeling and I enter.

I see my money laying on his office desk and my face lights up. It's just enough to buy both my dinner and nonna's favourite desert. I wonder what Levi likes. He doesn't seem like the chocolate loving kind, and it'd be rude if I didn't bring him something, too.

Someone has to apologise for our bitterness today. And if it's not gonna be him, it'll be me. I wasn't nice today either. I sigh, taking my money and putting it in my cross bag. I quickly close up the store before walking out from the backdoor. I pull out my phone to call nonna. I daily her number and press the phone to my ear, waiting for her to pick up.

I start walking to the front of the store, all while feeling a warm tingle in the back of my neck. Speading down to my spine like someone is boring their eyes into my soul.

I walk in front of the store and I see someone looking inside the glass door that clearly says 'closed'. He turns around and I freeze with the phone still in my hand. The dude from yesterday stands there, clutching a briefcase in his hands like his life depended on it. Nonna didnt answer her phone. I gulp, hoping he didn't notice me and I start speed walking down the sidewalk, glancing over my shoulder to check if my life was indeed in danger like my gut is telling me.

Each time I do look, I don't see anyone except the old creep. Facing my direction but looking down on the floor. Nothing else, though. No one. Just a dark street. I start walking on the street rather than the sidewalk. Seeking some sort of safety, maybe I thought I wouldn't face first into a street lamp or something, perhaps a car sounds better than that. Thinking back at that, I want to walk on the sidewalk again, but appearing indecisive isn't going to be in my advantage.

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